◆ ムービープラス 6+
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2020/01/03(金) 18:17:16.86ID:???
I'm going back to the compound instead, but you can call me anytime.
I'll put you on hold.
I like to watch the line blink!
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2020/01/03(金) 18:18:03.12ID:???
You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead.

What was her name, again?

You called her Dot.

She's gotta be a hundred years old right now.

So are we, pal!
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2020/02/10(月) 05:27:24.15ID:???
-- OK.
Ignore my teachers, watch my language and respect the kitchen table.
What else do I need to do before I'm allowed to disagree with you?

Make your own money
so you can live in your own house
and eat your own food.
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2020/02/10(月) 05:27:54.83ID:???
They weren't the problem, they were the medicine.
It was so you could control powerful men.
Your addiction was having power over powerful men.
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2020/02/10(月) 05:28:11.40ID:???
And for the record,
your father raised three kids on a college professor's salary.
One of them is a two-time Olympian,
a sixth round draft pick of the Philadelphia Eagles and a leading philanthropist.
The other is a cardiothorasic surgeon at Mass General
and the third --
managed to build a multi-million dollar business using not much more than her wits.
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2020/02/10(月) 05:28:47.61ID:???
There's a guy who sits outside my Starbucks
with a uh with a cardboard sign that says, "Vietnam Vet"
and every morning I give him a quarter
and right now the only difference between you and him is that you have a story.
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2020/02/10(月) 05:29:04.65ID:???
Did anything good come of this?
Not really.
But I learned something encouraging.
-- I'm very hard to kill.
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2020/03/05(木) 17:05:34.86ID:???
Why would you let your daughter stay with a guy that you've never met?
Whose name you don't even know?

She was an adult.

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2020/03/05(木) 17:06:10.73ID:???
Luck lives in the city.
Don't live out here.
It lives where you get hit by a bus or not --
Where your bank is robbed or not.
At someone's damn cell phone when he come up to a crosswalk.
That's luck, that's winning or losing.
Out here you survive or you surrender.
That's determined by your strength and bare spirit.
Wolves don't kill the unlucky deer.
They kill the weak ones.
You fought for your life, Jane.
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2020/03/05(木) 17:06:26.33ID:???
You can't steer from the pain.
If you do you'll rob yourself.
You'll rob yourself of every memory of her.
Every last one.
From the first step to her last smile.
You kill 'em all.
Just take the pain, Martin.
-- Do you hear me?
You take it.
It's the only way to keep her with you.
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2020/03/05(木) 17:06:43.34ID:???
I'm a hunter, Martin.
What do you think I'm doing?

If you find out who did this --
I don't care who it is.
You understand me?

Right where they stand.
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2020/03/05(木) 17:07:10.41ID:???
I get so mad --
I want to fight the whole world!
You got any idea what's that feel like?

I do.
But I decided to fight the feeling instead,
'cause I figured the world would win.
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2020/03/05(木) 17:07:40.72ID:???
Heard about what happened.
Heard there's one still missing.

No one's missing.

How did he go out?

With a whimper.
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2020/03/06(金) 00:00:12.97ID:???
The key to people is what they believe and what they want to believe.
So I want to believe that we were real.
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2020/03/06(金) 00:00:40.91ID:???
She was unlike anybody I ever knew.
She was smart.
She saw through people in situations, and she knew how to live with passion and style,
She understood Duke Ellington.
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2020/03/06(金) 00:01:13.41ID:???
He asked me if I wanted to come in and upgrade my wardrobe.
He said he had a lot of nice things that got left behind by people and forgotten over the years.
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2020/03/06(金) 00:01:27.55ID:???
Like me, she learned to survive and rein vent herself.
She knew she had to reinvent her life and her identity.
And like me, she envisioned a better, elegant future for herself.
Like me, she knew you had to have a vision.
She came to New York, she envisioned it, and just like that --
she applied for a job at Cosmopolitan magazine.
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2020/03/06(金) 00:01:40.27ID:???
People believe what they want to believe --
'Cause the guy who made this was so good that it's real to everybody.
Now, who's the master?
The painter or the forger?
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2020/03/06(金) 00:01:53.49ID:???
Before we go any further, is this legit?

Let's just say, you know,
it's missing from Spain, leave it at that.

Don't show any Spanish friends!
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2020/03/06(金) 00:02:10.39ID:???
I believe that you should treat people the way that you want to be treated.
Didn't Jesus say that or something?

He may have --

I think also, always take a favor over money.
I think Jesus said that as well.

I don't know if he said the second one,
but he might have said the first one.
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2020/03/06(金) 00:02:35.23ID:???
He's going to --
He's going to say, "We have to talk business."
In 5 --
4 --
3 --
2 --
1 --

Thank you.
Dolly, can me and the man talk about business here?

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2020/03/07(土) 17:35:32.38ID:???
I'm a hunter, Martin.
What do you think I'm doing?

If you find out who did this --
I don't care who it is.
You understand me?
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2020/03/15(日) 21:14:08.74ID:???
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2020/03/16(月) 16:43:45.42ID:???
I'm wearing cargo pants from the '90s.
-- and a scarf.
If it wasn't for the Varvatos T-shirt underneath, I'd be a mess?
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2020/03/16(月) 16:43:56.71ID:???
The authors of Hooters play on our incessant need for fat and man's incessant need to be in the proximity of augmented breasts.
It's like Henry V ran a fastfood franchise!
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2020/03/16(月) 16:44:11.58ID:???
Females are smarter than the males.
But you know that, it's like humans.
Females use their nose to stay alive.
They make sure they have cover.
They always remember they're trying to stay alive.
Bucks go off by themselves.
Bucks get dumb during mating season.

Boys make too much noise!

Yes, I do --

I'm better than a boy, right?
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2020/03/16(月) 16:44:41.86ID:???
And I've guessed this --
because you've adjusted the chocolate dish twice since you came in here
and I understand you have OCD.
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2020/03/16(月) 16:44:56.57ID:???
This guy isn't very neat, is he?
He walked right through the trash.

No, Jai.
Any normal person would have walked around it.
That was an act.
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2020/03/16(月) 16:45:18.63ID:???
This is like that crazy guy in the wheelchair that they put away 15 years ago.
And they gave him a funny name, too.
What was it?
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2020/05/12(火) 01:08:03.36ID:???
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2020/05/17(日) 20:45:24.20ID:O4RRsBKd
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2020/05/23(土) 19:32:23.96ID:TlgDQnUA
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2020/06/08(月) 08:29:59.46ID:???
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2020/06/09(火) 01:52:51.94ID:???
ムトゥ 踊るマハラジャ4Kリマスター&5.1ch版もBD発売のすぐ後にムービープラスで放送してた
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2020/06/24(水) 12:43:20.88ID:???
You forced my daughter on her knees --
and she made you pay for it.
Isn't that right, Leather Jacket?
You were there.
Dickless made you swear not to tell anyone.
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2020/06/24(水) 12:43:48.95ID:???
Thank you, Webster.
I don't believe I'll be having that beer just now.
Not unless I'm drinking it from Jonah King's skull.
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2020/06/24(水) 12:44:00.79ID:???
Milton, if memory serves --
you were always partial to the Chevelle, yes?


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2020/06/24(水) 12:44:15.75ID:???
If you win, I win.
If they take you down, I win.
And I hope you like butter on your popcorn.
It's sure to be a grand show.
-- You're still here?
Milton, the clock's ticking.
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2020/06/24(水) 12:44:41.42ID:???
We're gonna kill your friend and the baby --
And we're gonna live forever!

If forever to you means the next 5 seconds,
then you would be right.
