◆ ムービープラス 6+

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2019/10/21(月) 21:42:57.74ID:???
Under the radar!
That's how we survive.
If you bring Damage Control or the Avengers down here, we're through.
You're out there wearing that goofy thing, lightin' up cars, calling yourself the Shocker!
「I'm the Shocker! I shock people!」
What is this, pro wrestling?
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2019/10/21(月) 21:43:38.90ID:???
Do you know I was the only one who believed in you?
Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14 year old kid.

I'm 15 --

No, this is where you zip it!
All right?
The adult is talking!
What if somebody had died tonight?
Different story, right?
Because that's on you.
And if you died, I feel like that's on me.
I don't need that on my conscience.
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2019/10/21(月) 21:44:09.55ID:???
C'mon man, I don't need training wheels.
I'm sick of him treating me like a kid all the time.
It's not cool!

But you are a kid?

Yeah, A kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands!
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2019/10/21(月) 21:44:23.41ID:???
Hey, I just saved your life.
Now what do you say?

-- Thank you.

You're welcome.
Now you go on in there and you show my daughter a good time, OK?
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2019/11/14(木) 20:41:05.83ID:???
What's with the SM getup?

You know how to use this?

I campaigned for gun control.
No, I don't think you understand --
I marched against the NRA!

It's just like a camera.
Point, and shoot.


You're officially a badass!
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2019/11/14(木) 20:41:37.66ID:???
I know exactly who and what you are.
Now, the real question is --
Why don't I just cancel your contract right now?

I don't work for Umbrella anymore, and neither does Albert Wesker.

I don't care!
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2019/11/14(木) 20:42:21.95ID:???
The testing floor is 300 feet high, the ceiling black.
It's usually night in there --
But isn't that when the monsters come out anyway?
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2019/11/14(木) 20:42:35.69ID:???
Why build such a place?

The Umbrella Corporation derived its primary income from the sale of viral weaponry,
something that's impossible to test in the real world.
They re-created the center of New York, simulated an outbreak,
showed it to the Russians and sold them the virus.
They simulated an outbreak in Moscow, sold it to the Americans.
An outbreak in Tokyo --

Sold it to the Chinese.

An outbreak in China --

Sold it to the Japanese.

Everyone had to have it.
The Umbrella Corporation built a new arms race.
Only, this time, it was biological rather than nuclear.
Highly profitable.
And this is where it all happened.
This is Umbrella's greatest creation!
-- The belly of the beast.
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2019/11/14(木) 20:42:52.00ID:???
This facility is located in the straits of Kamchatka, northern Russia.
The old Soviet Union built submarine pens here in the 80s.
After the Cold War ended,
the Umbrella Corporation expanded them and built the testing floor.
-- No one has ever escaped from this facility.
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2019/11/14(木) 20:43:09.24ID:???
Leon, why don't we just trigger the explosive remotely?

Can't risk them jamming the signal.
And whether we succeed or not, this facility has to be destroyed.

-- What if we take longer than two hours?

Then I hope you're really good at holding your breath!
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2019/12/12(木) 05:46:54.49ID:???
I don't have soldiers in my army, not one.
Only warriors!
Stop being a soldier.
Start using this, and you can be a warrior, too.
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2019/12/12(木) 05:47:22.46ID:???
Bro, that's the thing.
I don't give him shit, all right?
He just follows me around smiling with his little 1910 gun, bro.

You don't get it, do you?

What, Spence?

These guys guard us.
Any one of us gets killed --
Dostum might execute the man he thinks is responsible and his whole family.
And this poor boy got you!
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2019/12/12(木) 05:48:20.64ID:???
The Donald Rumsfeld just sent you an email and it ain't a good one!

What's it say?

"When are you gonna get off your ass and get to Mazar?"
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2019/12/12(木) 05:49:06.31ID:???
500 of my men can die before one American gets a scratch.
You know why?

No, why, sir?

Because if one American die, your government leaves,
-- and then we lose the war.
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2019/12/12(木) 05:49:42.40ID:???
You will not win here because you are not honest with yourself.
You expect victory without blood.

I expect you to share strategic information with us!
Otherwise what the fuck are we doing here?

Your anger comes from your fear --
because you live in a place where life looks better than afterlife.
That's not this place.
Here, Taliban kills everything you live for.
Your mission will fail because you fear death.
Mullah Razzan's men, the Taliban, they welcome it.
Because they believe there is riches waiting for them in Heaven.
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2019/12/12(木) 05:50:06.15ID:???
This is Afghanistan.
Graveyard of many empires!
Today you are our friend, tomorrow you are our enemy.
It won't be any different for you.
Soon America will become just another tribe here.
You will be cowards if you leave.
And you will be our enemies if you stay.
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2019/12/14(土) 02:30:24.11ID:???
Stress management.
You watch the fishes --
You water the plants --
Special breathing exercises.
Monitor your blood pressure.
Listen to pleasant sounds.
-- Relax!
Personally, I think it may all be a pile of shit --
But when you're facing a bypass, you stop asking questions.
Look, just out of curiosity,
and since I figure cops are cops the world over,
how do you Soviets deal with all the tension and stress?

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2019/12/14(土) 02:30:43.68ID:???
Chinese find way.
Right after revolution,
they round up all drug dealers, all drug addicts,
take them to public square,
and shoot them in back of head.

Never work here.
Fucking politicians wouldn't go for it.

Shoot them first!
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2019/12/14(土) 02:31:00.51ID:???
In this country, we try to protect the rights of individuals.
It's called the Miranda Act,
and it says that you can't even touch his ass.

I do not want to touch his ass.
I want to make him talk!
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2019/12/14(土) 02:31:28.36ID:???
Revolutionary political leaders, like myself,
are incarcerated to keep us quiet.

What is your political crime?

I robbed a bank!
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2019/12/14(土) 02:31:47.99ID:???
You want to know what my crime is?
My crime was being born.
I'm 38 years old and I've been locked up 26 of those.
I educated myself in here.
I've come to understand this country was built on exploiting the black man.
Of course, I don't hear anything about brothers in your country.
But your country exploits its own people just the same.
So I guess that makes me the only Marxist around here, right, comrade?
You see, this ain't just no drug deal.
This is politics, baby.
This is economics.
This is spiritual.
I plan to sell drugs to every white man in the world --
and his sister!
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2019/12/14(土) 02:33:18.62ID:???
Viktor uses fake name,
marries American to get travel visa to United States.

Right. --
Why do I get the feeling that you're taking it so personal?

I shot his brother six months ago in Moscow.

-- Shot him dead?

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2019/12/14(土) 02:34:18.83ID:???
The people have many needs.
One is law and order.
Other, entertainment.
We both have our codes, Vanya.
Yours, one of the state.
Mine, one of thieves.
We both respect courage.
We even hold our own lives in contempt.
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2019/12/14(土) 02:34:53.69ID:???
Where the hell are all the cops?
Damn, they're never around when you need one, you know!
You make a U-turn, they're all over your ass?
Where the fuck are they!
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2019/12/14(土) 11:56:17.90ID:???
Our first taste of freedom will be cut with cocaine!
Any country that can survive Stalin, can certainly handle dope.
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2019/12/16(月) 03:23:36.91ID:???
Tell security to flood the main entrance with Nano-Gas.

Our men are still out there!


Any more questions?
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2019/12/16(月) 03:24:31.38ID:???
Put simply,
The Umbrella Corporation is taking back it's property.
You just didn't work out --
so you're being recalled.
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2019/12/16(月) 03:25:32.00ID:???
The T-virus brought me back.
But it's so strong --
It fights for full control.
And I thought that if I ingested fresh human DNA,
I could redress the balance.

No wonder your crew abandoned ship.(納得)

No matter.
Now I have a new subordinate.
And a new plan.
You were the only one who successfully bonded with the T-virus.
Your DNA is stronger than the others.
I ingest you --
I gain control.

That's pretty smart thinking.
There is only one problem with that plan?

-- And what is that?

I'm not on the menu!
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2019/12/26(木) 21:09:03.02ID:???
Just relax --
That's all right. You did enough damage today, OK?
We're gonna take you back, OK?
Relax --
Relax --
Stay --
That's it.
Steady, girl?
Stop --
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2019/12/26(木) 21:09:24.10ID:???
Triassic's entire facility comprises about seven acres,
right here in the heart of the city.

Ah, this campus is gorgeous.
You take one look at this place,
you'd never believe what's actually inside.
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2019/12/26(木) 21:09:49.26ID:???
-- Who was that?

That's our funding for the next round of tests.

Oh, you gotta love the rich corporate types.

We do all the work, they get all the glory!
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2019/12/26(木) 21:10:09.36ID:???
The dinosaurs, they don't share any of our DNA?

We give them carefully metered doses of complex human proteins and hormones
so that the organs that grow inside of them are suitable for xenotransplantation.
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2019/12/26(木) 21:10:26.81ID:???
And now you can take organs from this creature that was once extinct to improve our lives.
You've given them more time --
Why not give it to ourselves as a way to extend our lifespan?

-- Certainly a bold vision, Mr. Hagen.

And one I'm ready to put a significant amount of resources towards realizing.
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2019/12/26(木) 21:10:40.80ID:???
When the first organ goes into a human being,
people from all walks of life, affected by your research.
I want in before it happens.
Set the course for what happens next!
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2019/12/26(木) 21:11:05.14ID:???
You've brought dinosaurs back from the dead with immune systems just like ours, right?
Let's a crack a few open, see what makes them tick.
Let's make some progress --

What did you just say?
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2019/12/26(木) 21:11:45.68ID:???
Osgood, you know the trials and tests these dinosaurs are exposed to here.
How do you justify your hand in it then --

I don't believe that I need to justify anything about my actions to you.

Good for you, Oz!
Take a stand.
Just let me know what it is and when you find it.

This work can save real lives.
I watched someone very important to me die on an organ donor waiting list.
I won't let anyone else suffer the same cruelty as long as I can help it --
There are limits, Mr. Hagen.
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2019/12/26(木) 21:12:02.70ID:???
Progress is relative.
I'll gladly wait one more day knowing that I did everything humanely the first time.
But it won't be for some failed pipe dream attempted by better, richer men before you!

-- Well, maybe they didn't have my vision on it.
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2020/01/03(金) 18:12:45.67ID:???
The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt.
You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives.
But while a great many people see you as heroes,
there are some who would prefer the word "vigilantes."
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2020/01/03(金) 18:13:05.29ID:???
Are you saying it's our fault?

I'm saying there may be a causality.
Our very strength invites challenge.
Challenge incites conflict.
And conflict breeds catastrophe.
Oversight --
Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.
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2020/01/03(金) 18:13:29.15ID:???
Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way.
He's a great kid.
Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA.
Had a floor-level gig, at Intel planned for the fall.
But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul before he parked it behind a desk.
See the world, maybe be of service.
Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do.
He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun.
He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor.
Guess where?
-- Sokovia.
He wanted to make a difference, I suppose.
I mean, we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kickin' ass!
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2020/01/03(金) 18:13:50.07ID:???
If we sign this, we surrender our right to choose.
What if this panel sends us somewhere we don't think we should go?
What if there is somewhere we need to go and they don't let us?
We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.

If we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later.
That's the fact.
That won't be pretty.
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2020/01/03(金) 18:14:09.14ID:???
When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone.
Then I found out she was alive.
I was just lucky to have her.

She had you back, too.
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2020/01/03(金) 18:14:29.77ID:???
Who else signed?

Tony, Rhodey, Vision.


Says he's retired.


I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords.
There's plenty of room on the jet?
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2020/01/03(金) 18:14:44.04ID:???
I just want to make sure we consider all our options.
The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me!
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2020/01/03(金) 18:15:01.33ID:???
I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika.
I'm gonna go to the store.
I'll be back in 20 minutes --

Alternatively, we could order a pizza?

-- Vision, are you not letting me leave?

It is a question of safety.

I can protect myself!

Not yours.
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2020/01/03(金) 18:15:37.71ID:???
Is that how you see this?
This is protection?
It's internment, Tony!

She's not a US citizen,
and they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction.
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2020/01/03(金) 18:15:56.46ID:???
I'm trying to keep --
I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.

You did that when you signed.

Alright, I'm done.
