差出人: "Propellerhead Software"<donotreply@propellerheads.se>
日時: 2018年4月13日 23:26:14 JST
宛先: <***@***.***>
件名: Important information about Reason & Mac OS

Dear Reason user,

It has come to our attention that the latest macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 has a negative impact on Reason's performance. Currently we do NOT recommend you to update your macOS High Sierra to 10.13.4 if you are using Reason.

We're on it and hope to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

Mac OS High Sierra is only supported in Reason 9.5.2 and later, including Reason 10, Reason Intro & Reason Lite.

Best regards
The Reason Team