#Tesla registered 2,042 new #Model3 VINs. Highest VIN is 15885. https://t.co/Ryk9YsK8lT

― Model 3 VINs (@Model3VINs) March 20, 2018

It results in over 4,500 new Model 3 VINs registered by Tesla in the first 3 weeks of March.
The company has been targeting a production rate of 2,500 Model 3 vehicles per week by the end of March
and while it doesn’t seem to be there yet, it’s getting a lot closer to 2,000 units per week.

目標としている週2500台にはまだ届いていないがかなり近づいている 👀
Rock54: Caution(BBR-MD5:b73a9cd27f0065c395082e3925dacf01)