Trump takes hard line with US allies at G-7 summit
BY MAX GREENWOOD - 06/09/18 11:49 AM EDT

"They have no choice. I'll be honest with you, they have no choice," Trump told
reporters at a news conference, adding that companies and jobs had left the U.S.
to escape trade barriers abroad. "We're going to fix that situation. And if it's not
fixed, then we're not going to deal with these countries."

“We’re the piggy bank that everybody is robbing,” Trump added at one point.
“And that ends.”

He also warned the countries against trying to hit back against the steel and
aluminum tariffs his administration recently announced, adding that he would
continue to pursue such trade measures until other countries relented and
agreed to "fair" trade deals with the U.S.

"The European Union [EU] is brutal to the United States. And they understand
that. They know it," he told reporters at a news conference ahead of his
departure from Canada. "When I'm telling them, they're smiling at me, like, the
gig is up."
"They can't believe they got away with it. Canada can't believe it got away with it,"
he continued. "Mexico ? we have a $100 billion trade deficit with Mexico, and
that doesn't include all the drugs that are pouring in."
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Trump threatens to end trade with all G7 countries

Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec 11分11分前
Patrick ChovanecさんがThe Hillをリツイートしました
This is ... moronic. Not even a credible threat. Just stupid.