Biden Scores 14-Point Lead Over Trump in Poll After Debate
Democrat draws support of 53% of registered voters, as GOP incumbent’s backing
falls to 39%, new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey finds
By Aaron Zitner Oct. 4, 2020 9:00 am ET
ディベート後のWSJ/NBC世論調査で、バイデンが14%のリード(53 to 39)、先月は8%リードだった

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered
voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but
before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s
14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July,
which was his largest of the campaign at that time