Tucker Carlson Freaks Out Over Right-Wing Poll Showing BLM Is More Popular
Than Trump
By Cristina Cabrera June 16, 2020 8:58 a.m.
62%と知って、FOXニュースのホストのTucker Carlsonは、それがトランプ支持率(43%)
(Tucker Carlsonは黒人抗議行動に批判的な言辞で有名なニュースショーホスト)

Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who’s been railing against the Black Lives Matter
(BLM) movement in recent days amid nationwide protests against racist police
brutality, had a bad night on Monday.
Carlson opened his program with news of the right-leaning pollster Rasmussen’s
latest report that shows 62 percent of “likely” U.S. voters view BLM favorably
while President Donald Trump’s approval rating trails behind at 43 percent.

“Here’s some bracing news we never expected to report: Black Lives Matter is
now more popular than the President of the United States,” Carlson lamented in
the opening of his program. “And not slightly more popular than the President;
much more popular.”