Jun. 12, 2020, at 6:00 AM
The Latest Swing State Polls Look Good For Biden
By Geoffrey Skelley

Biden leads in some key battleground states
州        バイデン  トランプ
テキサス      46.3    47.9      
ジョージア     45.3    46.3
ペンシルバニア   46.5    46.4
ノースカロライナ  45.6    45.1
フロリダ      47.5    45.0
アリゾナ      46.5    43.2
ウイスコンシン   47.8    41.5
ミシガン      49.8    42.2

Trump carried Michigan and Wisconsin in 2016, albeit by less than 1 point, but
Biden’s comfortable margin in these recent surveys could spell trouble for
Trump. However, both states’ polls offered a range of snapshots ? in Michigan,
Biden led by anywhere from 2 to 15 points, and in Wisconsin, the race ranged
from a tie to Biden +9

As for the polling picture in the Sun Belt states ? Arizona, Georgia and Texas
? they all seemed more or less in line with what you would expect, once you
account for Biden’s lead in the national polls and how these states voted in
2016. But they do signal potential trouble for Trump.