>>151 ニューヨーカーのAdam Davidsonの記事についての、興味深いコメント

Cohen Isn't the Biggest Catch from Trump World
Other players know far more about the president's dealings than his lawyer does.
By Tim O'Brien  2018年4月16日 20:00 JST
Michael Cohenは、トランプ組織の最大の獲物というわけではない
Tim O'Brien ブルームバーグ評論

Cohen certainly remains a vulnerability for Trump, especially in the context
of Mueller's investigation of quid pro quos between the Trump team and the Kremlin.

But Cohen still isn't the biggest catch from within the Trump Organization, and
Trump's international deals may wind up being less threatening, legally, than some
of his domestic transactions. All of which means that the investigation may require
far more time to progress and reveal itself than the media and other observers
think -- even if recent events make it feel like the end is near.