I told you before I got a decent income actually.
About 15 months ago, I gave away the fact that how much money I earned per year only in English here in this thread , I didn't translated it into Japanese.

これは1年ちょっと前くらいになりますかな。 ぼくの年収いくらかここで公表したことがあるんだよね。英語でね。ここの部分だけあえて日本語に訳さなかったw( ^∀^)

I wanted to know you, anti -Fanties really understood English at that time and tryed it.
As it turned out, you were not able to read the simple English sentences.

誰からもその書き込みについて突っ込みがなかったから「ハハァン。こいつら英語わかんねえんだな。英文をぜんぜん読んでねえじゃんw」と判明したというワケさ( ^∀^)