Anti- Fanta1 This is not good. やばい
Anti- Fanta2 What's not good? 何がよ?
Anti- Fanta1 Fanta!He is really good at English and must be a Hitotsubashi graduate. ファンタだよ。奴はマジで英語が上手いし一橋大学卒ってのも本当に違いない

Anti- Fanta2 Yeah. I think too. He's smarter than we thought. あぁ。それ俺も思ってたわ。奴は俺ラが考えてたより頭良すぎるわな
Anti- Fanta3 We are in trouble now and gonna be beaten by him. What would we do? このままじゃ負けちゃうぜ。どうすんべよ?

Anti- Fanta1 I got an idea. 俺に考えがある。
Anti- Fanta2, 3 What's that? なに?
Anti- Fanta1 We call him a identity theft! 奴をなりすましだということにしてしまおう!
Anti- Fanta2 Oh! That's good. お、そりゃいいね!
Anti- Fanta1 Well, here's original Fanta and English Fanta is another one.
If English Fanta would beat us, he'd be not original Fanta , in addition to that, he's a coward.