◆ ムービープラス 6+

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2020/12/31(木) 17:32:03.86ID:???
Ostensibly --
if Forrest Gump just read the side of the box,
it would tell him exactly what he would get!

You're using "ostensibly" incorrectly?
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2020/12/31(木) 17:32:13.95ID:???
You are one beautiful motherfucker!
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2020/12/31(木) 17:32:44.07ID:???
That's why their visits are increasing?
They're trying to snap up all of our best DNA before we're gone.

Adapt themselves with it and then move in --

We're an endangered species, and they know it.
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2020/12/31(木) 17:33:00.42ID:???
That's my dad.
He's gonna come save me now.

Oh, is he!
Is that what he's gonna do?
I'll tell you what, buddy, if it is your daddy,
and I truly hope that it is --
he's gotta be just aboutthe dumbest motherfucker I've ever met?(嘲笑)
I mean, a Ranger sniper tripping wire sensors?
He's gotta be --
-- creating a diversion.
It's a fucking diversion!(奇襲)
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2020/12/31(木) 17:33:14.03ID:???
Just tell them to put the guns down!

If Captain McKenna doesn't lower his weapon in the next 10 seconds --
shoot the kid's knees out!
That work for you?
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2020/12/31(木) 17:33:36.42ID:???
Mom says you're a killer.

Well, I'm a soldier.

-- What's the difference?

Well, when you like it, that's when you're a killer.
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2020/12/31(木) 17:33:51.20ID:???
He supervised 23 close precision engagements across 5 continents and he has 13 confirmed kills.
And he is one of only 14 captains in the armed forces,
to ever receive a Distinguished Service Medal and the Silver Star.
So, he might be a lousy husband, but he is a good soldier.
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2020/12/31(木) 17:35:19.77ID:???
You, yesterday,
you were on a prison bus barking to yourself,
now you got a gun in your hand.
Who's a survivor now?
We put bullets in our head and walk to the fucking hospital!
We're soldiers!
Nettles, what's our 20?
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2021/05/11(火) 12:48:08.40ID:???
I'd do whatever I had to for you.
I'd give you whatever I have.

What are you doing?

I'd give you my heart. (脱ぐ)
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2021/05/11(火) 12:48:28.54ID:???
I was surprised to see her in our daughter's body.
You were supposed to have destroyed that years ago.

I couldn't.

And did you tell her who you built that body for?

Our daughter is dead, Chiren.
You need to let it go.

It's obviously not me that's clinging to something here?
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2021/05/11(火) 12:48:43.99ID:???
Alita couldn't get out of the way fast enough.
Her mother, Chiren, couldn't deal with Alita's death.
Maybe she just couldn't deal with me.
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2021/05/11(火) 12:48:54.73ID:???
You have a heart strong enough to power all of Iron City for years.
This is lost technology --
Nobody's made this stuff since before The Fall.

Yeah, right.
So I'm 300 years old?

Sweetheart, you are!
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2021/05/11(火) 12:49:05.99ID:???
Well, you were right.
A warrior's spirit needs a warrior's body.
It draws in air, generating an arc plasma --
but how you control it, I don't know.
Didn't exactly come with a manual, did you?
It's some kind of weapon.
Now you know who you are.
But that's just a shell.
It's not bad or good.
That part's up to you.
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2021/05/11(火) 12:49:17.19ID:???
Listen --
It's stuff from the Factory going up to Zalem.
But the tubes are just for cargo, not for people.
If I was as strong as you, I'd climb that tube to Zalem right now!
They don't let anybody up there.
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2021/05/11(火) 12:49:28.82ID:???
Doc found you in the Scrapyard.
All that stuff is dumped from Zalem.
So you must be from up there.
I guess so.
If you could just tell me what those eyes have seen!

I wish I could.
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2021/05/11(火) 12:49:39.81ID:???
Thank you for coming on such short notice.
You are the scum of the game!
But tonight, you are handpicked scum --
Because tonight is not a game.
It is a hunt.
I'm paying 500,000 --
to the one who kills the girl called Alita.
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2021/05/11(火) 12:51:18.98ID:???
It took her only a few months!
To rise through the ranks of the 2nd League!
And tonight!
She makes her first appearance in the Champions League!
Where she has a chance at becoming Final Champion!
And going to Zalem!

Alita! Alita! Alita! (歓声)

Let's hear it for the Battle Angel herself!
No. 99 --

Alita! Alita! Alita!
Alita! Alita! Alita! (歓声)
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2021/06/22(火) 14:40:40.30ID:???
Sharon absolutely has a type.
Cute, short, talented guys who look like 12year old boys.

Yeah --
I never stood a chance.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:41:07.38ID:???
Look, Randy, I'm asking you to help me out, man?
If the answer's no, the answer's no!
Not no with excuses.

-- Hey, man.
This ain't a fucking Andy McLaglen picture, you know?
I can't afford to hire a bunch of guys to smoke cigarettes and sit around talking to each other all day on the chance that I might use them.
I got a 4 man team here, Rick.
If I need more than that, I gotta get it approved.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:41:18.58ID:???
Now, I admire Cassius Clay, I do.
What I admire is in his sport, there's an element of true combat.
When Cassius Clay meets Sonny Liston in the ring, that's not two
athletes posturing.
That's combat.
Two men trying to kill each other right now.
If you don't beat him --
he kills you.
That's beyond athletics.
That's beyond Wide World of Sports, you know?
That's two warriors engaged in combat.
That's what I admire.
In martial arts tournaments, they won't let you fight like that.
It's very frustrating.
You stand in front of a guy, you just wanna let him have it.
But you can't.
So you gotta do this play acting, patty cake version.
Cassius Clay, Sonny Liston, Joe Lewis.
The colored boxer, not that white kickboxing asshole.
They do what they need to do to win.
They unleash as much punishment as they have to to defeat the other guy.
But in martial arts tournaments, I do to win what they do to win.
I unleash all my power.
I kill people.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:41:33.02ID:???
Well, if you fought Cassius Clay, who would win?

Well, that would never happen.

But if you did, what do you think would happen?

I'd make him a cripple.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:41:45.24ID:???
Look, man, I don't want any trouble.
I'm just here to do a job.

But you're laughing at what I'm saying.
But I'm not saying anything funny.
So, what do you think is so funny?

What I think is --
you're a little man with a big mouth and a big chip!
And I think you should be embarrassed to suggest that you'd be anything more than a stain on the seat of Cassius Clay's trunks.

Brother, you're the one with the big mouth.
And I would really enjoy closing it especially in front of all my friends.
But my hands are registered as lethal weapons.
That means, we get into a fight, I accidentally kill you, I go to jail.

Anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight, they go to jail.
It's called manslaughter.
I think all that lethal weapon horseshit is just an excuse so you dancers never have to get in a real fight.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:41:56.52ID:???
What the fuck, man?(大声)

Let me just say, nobody beat the shit out of Bruce.
It was a friendly contest.
He barely touched me.

I think that dent in the car says somethin' different --

What the fuck did you do to my car!(絶叫)
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2021/06/22(火) 14:42:06.51ID:???
Sam. Sam, uh --
if you got me covered up in all this, uh --
this junk, uh --
how's the audience gonna know it's me?

I hope they don't.
I don't want them to see Jake Cahill.
I want them to see Caleb!
I hired you to be an actor, Rick, not a TV cowboy.
You're better than that.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:42:18.83ID:???
Eating lunch before I do a scene makes me sluggish.
I believe it's the job of an actor, and I say actor not actress because the word actress is nonsensical.
It's the actor's job to avoid impediments to their performance.
It's the actor's job to strive for 100% effectiveness.
Naturally, we never succeed, but it's the pursuit that's meaningful.

-- Who are you?

You can call me Marabella.

Mar --
Marabella what?

Marabella Lancer.

No, no, come on, come on.
What's your real name?

When we're on set, I prefer to only be referred to by my character's name.
It helps me invest in the reality of the story.
I've tried it both ways and I'm always just a tiny bit better when I don't break character.
If I can be a tiny bit better, I want to be.
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2021/06/22(火) 14:42:46.12ID:???
Whether you're dead or alive, you're just a dollar sign!
to Jake Cahill, on Bounty Law!
Thursdays at 8:30, only on NBC!
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2021/06/23(水) 13:54:39.95ID:???
Welcome to our community.

Thanks for having me.

And thank you for giving our precious Pussy a ride home.

Think nothin' of it.

We love Pussy.

Yes, we do!(力強く)
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2021/06/23(水) 13:54:51.10ID:???
Jeepers, it sounds like a good novel.

Yeah, it's not bad.

Where are you in it?

About midway.

What's happening to Easy Breezy now?

He's, uh --
He's not the best anymore.
In fact, far from it.
He's comin' to terms of what it's like to be slightly more --
use --
Slightly more useless each day. (泣く)
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2021/06/23(水) 13:55:03.51ID:???
If you grew up watching TV, that means you grew up watching murder.
Every show on TV that wasn't 『I Love Lucy』 was about murder!
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2021/06/23(水) 13:55:16.08ID:???
He loved the food so much that during his stay, Rick gained almost 15 pounds.
But he didn't love the Italians' way of making movies.
In fact, he thought the post synched, every actor speaks their own language Tower of Babel shooting style of European movies was ridiculous.
While in Rome, Marvin plugged Rick into 3 other Italian productions.
His 2nd Western was 『Kill Me Quick, Ringo, Said the Gringo』, also starring Joseph Cotten and directed by Calvin Jackson Padget, pseudonym for Giorgio Ferroni.
His 3rd was an Italian-Spanish coproduction that paired him with Telly Savalas, titled 『Red Blood, Red Skin』 directed by Joaquin Romero Marchant and based on the Floyd Ray Wilson novel, 『The Only Good Indian is a Dead Indian』.
And his 4th, a Spaghetti secret agent, James Bond rip off type flick called 『Operazione Dyn-O-Mite!』, directed by Antonio Margheriti.
Ultimately making Rick's 6 month Italian sojourn fairly profitable, although his swank Roman apartment ate up a big chunk of his earnings.
So as Rick return to Hollywood via Pan Am, he has 4 new movies under his belt, some money in his pocket, and his brand spanking new Italian wife, starlett Francesca Capucci.
Hurtling through the air towards a new life and uncertain future, Rick was really not sure about what lay ahead for him.
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2021/06/23(水) 13:55:31.02ID:???
So these last 4 Italian flicks, after 9 years together, would be Rick and Cliff's final rodeo.
Cliff doesn't have a clue what he's gonna do.
The only thing the 2 men know of for sure --
Tonight, Rick and Cliff will have a good old fashioned drunk.
Both men know, once the plane touches down in El Segundo, it'll be the end of an era for both of them.
And when you come to the end of the line with a buddy who is more than a brother and a little less than a wife, getting blind drunk together is really the only way to say farewell.
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2021/06/23(水) 13:55:51.77ID:???
Come visit me tomorrow.
Bring bagels.

You wanna do something for me, check on Brandy.
She may be a little shook up after that.
She may wanna sleep with you.

Are you kidding me?
She's sleeping with Francesca right now!
You might never get her back. (微笑)

We got to go.

All right then, Cliff.
See you tomorrow, then --
Hey! Hey!
You're a good friend, Cliff.

I try!
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2021/07/11(日) 13:49:51.93ID:???
So, everybody's heard about the super rats that are in Gotham now, right?
Well today, the mayor said he has a solution.
You ready for this?
Super cats!
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2021/07/11(日) 13:50:09.49ID:???
Forgive my Laughter:
I have a Condition.


It's a medical condition causing sudden,
frequent and uncontrollable laughter that
doesn’t match how you feel.
It can happen in people with a brain
injury or certain neurological conditions.

Thank You!

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2021/07/11(日) 13:50:44.34ID:???
Have you seen what it's like out there, Murray?
Do you ever actually leave the studio?
Everybody just yells and screams at each other.
Nobody's civil anymore!
Nobody thinks! what it's like to be the other guy.
You think men like Thomas Wayne ever think what it's like to be someone like me?
To be somebody but themselves?
They don't.
They think! that we'll just sit there and take it, like good little boys!
That we won't werewolf and go wild!

-- You finished?
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2021/07/11(日) 13:50:57.30ID:???
Oh, why is everybody so upset about 3 guys?
If it was me dying on the sidewalk, you'd walk right over me!
I pass you every day, and you don't notice me!
But 3 guys, what, because Thomas Wayne went and cried about them on TV?

-- You have a problem with Thomas Wayne, too?

Yes, I, do!
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2021/07/11(日) 13:51:09.75ID:???
You're awful, Murray.

I'm awful?
Oh yeah, how am I awful?

Playing my video.
Inviting me on this show.
You just wanted to make fun of me.
You're just like the rest of them.

You don't know the first thing about me, pal?
Look what happened, because of what you did.
What it led to.
There are riots out there.
2 policemen are in critical condition, and you're laughing.
You're laughing.
Someone was killed today, because of what you did.
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2021/07/11(日) 13:51:23.45ID:???
What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash!

Call the police, Gene!

I'll tell you what you get!

Call the police!

You get what you fuckin' deserve!(発砲)
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2021/07/11(日) 13:51:41.34ID:???
Thank you, Thomas.
I know this is a difficult time for you.

Yes, all 3 worked for Wayne Investments.
Good, decent, educated.
Although I didn't know any of them personally.
Like all Wayne employees, past and present, they're family.

There now seems to be a groundswell of anti rich sentiment in the city.
It's almost as if our less fortunate residents are taking the side of the killer.

Yes, and it's a shame.
It's one of the reasons why I'm considering a run for mayor.
Gotham's lost its way.

What about the eyewitness report of the suspect being a man in a clown mask?

Well, it makes total sense to me.
What kind of coward would do something that cold blooded?
Someone who hides behind a mask.
Someone who is envious of those more fortunate than themselves, yet they're too scared to show their own face.
And until those kind of people change for the better, those of us who have made something of our lives will always look at those who haven't as nothing but clowns.

Thomas Wayne, thank you for coming in this morning.
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2021/07/11(日) 13:52:14.92ID:???
It won't matter.
The head guys make bail, sure.
But the midlevel guys, they can't.
They can't afford to be off the streets.
They'll cut deals that include some jail time.
Think of all you could do with 18 months of clean streets?

The Dark Knight (2008)
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2021/11/14(日) 18:23:40.99ID:???
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2021/12/19(日) 07:53:16.73ID:???








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2021/12/19(日) 07:54:46.83ID:???


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2022/01/02(日) 07:52:06.67ID:???
スカパーは昔の遺物化してしまったんだよなー 昔はよかった、今は完全にゴミ
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2022/01/04(火) 23:41:04.85ID:???

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2022/01/20(木) 21:33:05.17ID:???





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2022/01/20(木) 21:34:20.03ID:???
更に自滅してっているわけだ... 因みにアマプラにはウォーターマークなんか無いぞ

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2022/01/23(日) 12:30:58.49ID:???
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2022/01/28(金) 07:08:46.27ID:???


