
8 Experimental results
Figure 8 shows the plot of the thermal power measured using the standard DGT protocol in the verification test conducted by DE
using Ar in place of H2 and using the procedure that induces the pressure variations due to water boiling, as described in Parargph 7.
It is clearly noted that, while using Ar
(considered by DGT an inert element for prompting the reaction and used as a reference gas to show that the reaction does not occur using Ar)
in place of H2 and without making use of the high voltage excitation circuit, we get a significant increase in the measured thermal power
up to about 17 kW, well above that of the electrical power input of about 2.5 kW.
This proves beyond any doubt that the test, as conceived by DGT, does not measure correctly the thermal power produced which in this case would have
to be less than or at most equal to the electrical power input.