Mac mini Part217
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2018/05/09(水) 22:09:17.76ID:HtAvCDMo0
・Mac mini
・フィードバック - バグ報告・新規機能の要望など


・Mac mini ユニボディ まとめ
・Intel Mac mini まとめ

Mac mini Part216

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2018/06/05(火) 02:01:59.34ID:e46Vy4CJ0

【"Apple" Series has came back.】
・The New series line that named with "Apple". ( remind of that like a Apple I , Apple II ...)
・The New product is include multi "A11plus" processor, that driven with serial linked cooperative behavior.
It is become breakthrough in Computing, multiprocessor not on parallel linked.
"Ax Burst System" is depending on the number of processors to improve performance.

・"A11plus" Processor is a different line from the "A11" processor for iOS and tvOS Devices.
 "A11plus" is an enhanced version of the "A11" processor (like an "A10X"), not a replacement for the "A" series processor.

・"Mac" is not discontinued for a while, iMac is made including with intel processor.
But near the future time,"Ax Burst System" is more performance over by intel processors,
Apple will introducing "Apple Mac" that replace "iMac".

・"Apple mini" is the First Desktop Computer include with 'A'Series processor.

・"Apple Book" is the First Portable Computer that include macOS with 'A'Series processor (not meaning a iOS only device).
And this series are the First Portable Computer that configured with Dual Display by Apple.
Designing based on the MacBook Air, that goes through Innovative. ( More sophisticated and sharper design! )

・macOS 11 is the first operating system to support 'A'Series processor on Mac.

A little episode; Top Secret Project called "ELEVEN SISTERS".The Name were contained multiple meanings.
   ――macOS 11, A11plus, Totally new 11" Dual Display Computer to be announced.
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2018/06/05(火) 02:02:29.31ID:e46Vy4CJ0
ex."Apple Book" is execute tasks by Six A11plus proccesor that will driven...;

1st Unit => The role of the intermediate to manage the behavior of systems.
2nd to 4th Units => Using by macOS (Regrettably, It's performance is 5.6GHz near under, not driven at 2.74GHz x 4)
5th Unit => Upper side BackGround iOS underneath macOS.
6th Unit => Lower side iOS

Upper Display => To use appear macOS.
Lower Display => iOS include KeyTouch app."KeyTouch.app" is 11" Size Large TrackPad & Keyboard.
...and then Dual iOS appear mode, These Processors working that...;

1st Unit => The role of the intermediate to manage the behavior of systems.
2nd to 4th Units => BackGround macOS (like in a Target Display Mode. Not in a sleep.)
5th Unit => Upper side frontend iOS. (not underneath macOS)
6th Unit => Lower side iOS

 Upper Display => iOS
 Lower Display => iOS
・"Apple Book" support "Book Style Mode".
if it running in dual iOS mode and launched iOS app that supported Book Style Mode;
Rotate this device 90 degrees clockwise...
Right(that was Upper side) Display => Right Page Window on iOS app.
Left(that was Lower side) Display => Left Page Window on iOS app.

・"Apple Book" has "Side Switch" for rotation lock and forced rotate execution.
【other announcement】
・"A" series processor are planned for manifacturing in America from 2019.
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2018/06/05(火) 02:02:51.46ID:dQWb0eQq0
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2018/06/05(火) 02:03:10.07ID:Ek6XUHuC0
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2018/06/05(火) 02:03:18.60ID:jgwyT+M40
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2018/06/05(火) 02:03:51.92ID:e46Vy4CJ0
About "Ax Burst system"

So far, we've been cheating the processor frequency at the parallel core,
but the limit is coming together in block syntax, and the programmer splits the underlying task.

Grand Central Dispatch was able to share it with each core,
but that didn't mean that all the needs could be met.
Apple has achieved a series of processors.

The minimum calculation formula which can not be decomposed any further is calculated by burst multiple processor cores in series.

It's impossible to do so until now, if it's 40 proccessors, then it's impossible at the current engineering level.
The "Ax Burst" requires a very high-speed CPU bus and memory bus,
but it is terribly severe because it needs to be crammed into a few millimeters of space to connect each processor at a very close range.
Apple face the two processor terminals in exactly the same position in the front and back of the base so that they can be bonded together.
In the experimental machine, the A11plus of that 1.8 GHz with 10 processors in a series, and it is not 18Ghz by a simple calculation, but the maximum speed has gone up to 10GHz.

I went to six processors in the reference machine, but it is under 4GHz. 10 procccessors or more are not feasible.That's the higher walls of technologies.

By the way, it is designed to be processed all by the preprocessor, and there is little need for programmers to learn new knowledge.

It's Simple. Apple is kind to us, Just use Swift.
Apple are going to do all the API work completely on macOS by the end of 2018. Don't wait for Intel to improve its frequency.
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