How much do YOU think this advanced operating environment is worth?
Wait just one minute before you answer! Watch as Windows integrates
Lotus 1-2-3 with Miami Vice!
Now we can take this Ferrari and paste it right into Windows Write!
Now how much do you think Microsoft Windows is worth? Don't answer!
Wait until you see Windows Write and Windows Paint and listen to what
else you get at no extra charge!
The MS-DOS Executive, an appointment calendar, a cardfile, a notepad, a
clock, control panel, a terminal,
a principal RAM driver, AAAAAAND, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? R E V E R S I!
That's right, all these features and Reversi all for just - how much did
you guess? $500? $1000? Even more?!?
NO! It's just $99! That's right! It's $99!
It's an incredible value but it's / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\true! It's Windows from
Microsoft! Order today!
\ P.O. Box 286-DOS!   |Shut! up!!nooooooow!  |Except in Nebraska!??/
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