Jakben Imbel's Private Quarters (study)

Jakben Imbel's study
The study (another area labeled as Jakben Imbel's Private Quarters in-game) is a cramped, circular room with tapestries and spider webs covering the walls.
On a small table sits a silver bowl with three apples. Jakben's locked desk has a copy of The Book of Daedra and three bottles of Tamika's West Weald Wine on top,
as well as a locked jewelry box with a chance of holding enchanted jewelry or a potion inside.

When you reach stage 20 of the related quest, the desk will contain the Imbel Genealogy.

とあるのでデイドラの本(The Book of Daedra)と一緒に家系(The Imbel Genealogy) がある
ただしStage20 にならないと出現しないとある
