My overlay only shows if I'm out of the game / alt-tabbed

Set your game to run in Borderless mode. Fullscreen means the game has exclusive control of your screen and other programs can't draw over it.

Discord, Steam, etc. get around this by hooking into the game. We're trying to avoid this which is why we use windows to draw over the game.

But it worked before ?!
Yeah, that was Windows doing some black magic. Essentially, it forced the game into a mode similar to Borderless. For some reason, this has been disabled in a recent Windows update.

ここの事言ってると思うんだけど Windowsの不具合でフルスクを強制的にボーダレスとして処理していた事が一部にあったからって書かれてるんだがお前英語煽りにしろGithub(笑)煽りにしろ頭わるすぎて議論にむいてないぞ
5ch ですら恥かくって相当リアルじゃ生き辛そう 