153単語 訂正4単語( nope, inなど) 96点

If you don’t mind me asking…Is that your boyfriend?
Just a useless colleague of mine.
Thanks for that!
Great! [then] Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?
What’s your name?
[get your hands off ->● let go of me●
Are you jealous of his wealth? Is that why you haunt this house?
Then leave!
I will, I will!
Oh, and to answer your question. My name is…Rasetsu Hyuga.
How did it go?
It was a quick job. Nothing we can’t handle.
…I’m almost afraid to ask…
You guessed ●it●. Our client asks her out…and she scares him away. Story of her life.
You have a big mouth. Kuryu!
Okay, what’s next, Aoi?
Thatis it for today.
We’ll check ●in● with chief and then call it quits.
Good. I’m exhausted. It’s been crazy lately. Do you know how many houses we went to today?