>ID:cnT5SUGd >>142

ID:cnT5SUGd はインフレ率・物価の格差以外の他の要因を排除して


-Budget deficits and trade deficits tend to be linked
An increase in the U.S. government budget deficit will cause an increase in the real
interest rate, which causes additional foreign capital to flow into the country. The
inflow of foreign currencies will cause the value of the U.S. dollar to increase in
relation to other currencies. The increase in value of the U.S. dollar will make
U.S. exports relatively less attractive to foreigners and imports into the U.S.
will be relatively less expensive; therefore, net exports will go down. The increase
in the budget deficit leads to an increase in the trade deficit.

>>144 >>143 でも書いたとおり減税は、国債収支を悪化させる傾向がある
