4chより 解析早くて助かるわ
MPID_VOICE_ドルカス: ?
MPID_VOICE_ヨシュア: Todd Haberkorn
MPID_VOICE_ルーテ: Brina Palencia
MPID_VOICE_ワユ: Lani Minella
MPID_ILLUST_ドルカス: Soeda Ippei (添田一平)
MPID_ILLUST_ヨシュア: Fujiwara Ryo (冨士原良)
MPID_ILLUST_ルーテ: 瀬尾公治
MSID_気鋭ワユの剣: Resolute Blade
MSID_氷剣アウドムラ: Audhulma
MSID_剛斧トマホーク: Stout Tomahawk
MSID_奇異ルーテの書: Weirding Tome
MSID_HP魔防1: HP/Res 1
MSID_HP魔防2: HP/Res 2
MSID_鬼神の構え1: Fierce Stance 1
MSID_鬼神の構え2: Fierce Stance 2
MSID_鬼神の構え3: Fierce Stance 3
MSID_柔剣1: Flashing Blade 1
MSID_柔剣2: Flashing Blade 2
MSID_柔剣3: Flashing Blade 3
MSID_H_気鋭ワユの剣: Grants Atk+3. Grants +10 to damage\nwhen Special triggers.
MSID_H_氷剣アウドムラ: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).\nGrants Res+5.
MSID_H_剛斧トマホーク: Enables counterattack regardless\nof distance if this unit is attacked.
MSID_H_奇異ルーテの書: Grants Spd+3. At start of turn, all foes in\ncardinal directions, and with Res 1 or more\nlower than unit, suffer Spd-5 until the end of\nfoes' next actions.
MSID_H_HP魔防1: Grants HP+3, Res+1.
MSID_H_HP魔防2: Grants HP+4, Res+2.
MSID_H_鬼神の構え1: Grants Atk+2 during combat\nwhen this unit is attacked.
MSID_H_鬼神の構え2: Grants Atk+4 during combat\nwhen this unit is attacked.
MSID_H_鬼神の構え3: Grants Atk+6 during combat\nwhen this unit is attacked.
MSID_H_柔剣1: If unit’s Spd - foe’s Spd ? 5, unit gains Special\ncooldown charge +1 per attack. (If using\nother similar skill, only highest value applied.)
MSID_H_柔剣2: If unit’s Spd - foe’s Spd ? 3, unit gains Special\ncooldown charge +1 per attack. (If using\nother similar skill, only highest value applied.)
MSID_H_柔剣3: If unit’s Spd - foe’s Spd ? 1, unit gains Special\ncooldown charge +1 per attack. (If using\nother similar skill, only highest value applied.)