MSID_H_瞬閃アイラの剣: Grants Spd+3. If unit's Spd - foe's Spd ? 1, gain\nSpecial cooldown charge +1 per attack. (If similar\nskill also used, only highest value applied.)
MSID_H_ファラフレイム: At start of turn, all foes in cardinal directions\nwith Res 1 or more lower than unit suffer\nAtk/Res-4 until the end of foe's next action.
MSID_H_剣姫の流星: Boosts damage dealt by 40% of unit's Spd.\n(Skill cannot be inherited.)

MSID_H_追撃リング: Unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack when\nunit's HP ? 50% at start of combat. (Skill\ncannot be inherited.)
MSID_H_リカバーリング: Restores 10 HP at the start of each turn.\n(Skill cannot be inherited.)