Maybe that was made at the same year when Ginga no Waka- Daisho was created, ah, about 1962or so.『椿三十郎』は『銀座の若大将』と同じくらいのやつだね。1962年くらいか?(*^^*)
Tusbaki-Sanjyuro movie is like a story about 9 young samurai and a strong samurai at the middle age starred by Mifune.
That 9 samurai including Kayama and Kunie Tanaka look like Anti- Fanties in this here, for being helpless and weak.
その9人の若者たちはここのアンチの諸君に似てるんだよね。頼りなくて弱っちくてw( ^∀^)

Anyway, I am gonna to have a dinner at Tano- kyu with one of my gorgeous girlfriends tonight, probably Sukiyaki which was arranged by Rosan-jin Kita- ohji.
Shabu-ski which was created by Shiro is also good one.