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2020/11/26(木) 03:12:59.77ID:Jot5bmMu0

■公式Twitter / リスト


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https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
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2020/11/26(木) 03:26:49.23ID:XyA2PaUp0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:26:53.28ID:fmAB+der0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:27:25.83ID:GGWHNnaIr
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2020/11/26(木) 03:27:40.93ID:iBBhJrDlp
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2020/11/26(木) 03:27:49.77ID:Z32JvMpk0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:27:49.93ID:8OjH4MHz0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:27:55.23ID:zRLzOFll0
Some stuff yesterdays stream.
I really loved listening to this stream so I might have gone overboard with this summary. So I apologize for the walls of text in advance.
She was really drunk by the end of this stream, bless her dumb brain.

>Collab with Kiara
She thinks it hasn't been told what they will do yet and as per usual with her collabs she tries to keep it a secret but it gets exposed every time by the other collab partner, so the chat eventually says Minecraft. Someone did ask her if it was going to be an off-collab and she was very quick to deny it.
They will be doing a tour of the JP server. Pekora has already thought out the sight seeing route which will end with them making some memento, and then end with the Haachama rollercoaster. Pekora also says she wants to do a prank on her although she hasn't been able to think of one yet.
>Realization that she'll reach a million within the year
It was until she reached 950k subscribers that it truly hit her that she'll reach a million within the year
>Regarding Wacca and the PekoMiko collab
She used to play Poppun a lot when she was little, she'd go to game center with friends, thought they were fun but would never imagine that she'd have her own song in one of the machines therefore super happy that she got the opportunity
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:14.66ID:zRLzOFll0
>Dance lesson and Towa(Towa also shows up in chat here)
Towa was at the dance practice as well and she talks a bit about their interactions.
She'd avert her eyes from Towa and was unable to properly speak to her because of her stranger anxiety and says that if they meet up in person a second time she'll be better since she would have gotten a bit more used to it, Towa teases her and says it was depressive to be treated like that. All throughout the story Pekora goes full dogeza apologizing and says that next time she'll surely be perfect and be able to talk to her without trouble(Said with no confidence as she just adds probably in the end)
>Keyboard warrior
Chat calls her a keyboard warrior(ネット弁慶) and she pauses for a while before saying that; "Yeah if I can't see the person then I can say whatever so, yeah that's correct".
>Went to the dance lesson without sleeping(It is weird she says no sleep but later on it sounds like she did sleep some, only that it was far, far too little)
She says that there was a reason for that and lets the chat guess, they guess that she was playing Octopath all night and she confirms it. What she did was that she finished both the other routes after the sponsored stream was over(Her final time on stream was something like 13 hours and she shows a screenshot of 22 hours). At the dead of night she thought that she has to stop and get atleast 3 hours of sleep until she was going to go to the dance lesson but she continued anyways, then she fought a side boss and when she died there she gave up for the night.
On route to the dance lessons she was nodding off while having her thoughts completely filled with fighting the boss, thinking of when to burst, what skill to use, and how she has to win. She dozed off for a moment and woke up just as fast.
Chat ask when she went to bed and she says that it was before this stream, she briefly retells her day, ending the stream, playing all night finishing the routes, sleeping for what sounds like an hour at most, went to the dance lesson, then came home and crashed.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:19.36ID:8gh7w+ysa
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:20.05ID:fjF/6q1Q0

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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:20.43ID:zRLzOFll0
>More dance lesson stuff
Says it isn't her first time going to a dance lesson but today there were very good Holomen there and she counts up Matsuri, Aki, Towa, and Pekora, she asks "Isn't that odd?!"(Referring to her being there along those actual good dancers)
She also thought she was going to be alone today so when she actually met up with these three she got pretty surprised and nervous.
She awkwardly greets them and they greet her back and they start the lesson. At the start they are doing self-introductions one-by-one and Pekora explains the feeling she felt as if dry heaving, basically stating that she is very bad at this sort of stuff. At this point she starts talking so fucking fast, saying it wasn't an embarassing thing but(Then cuts herself off and says she needs to drink to calm herself down. Right now she is straight up chugging her drink), after a couple of chugs she says that she needs the alcohol to heal her body from the hardships within her head, then takes a few more gulps.
Says that the introductions were in the style of their normal ones and uses Matsuri as an example, then when it was her turn she says that she doesn't know who could be watching her so she just awkardly forces out a お願いします, よろしくお願いいたします
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:30.11ID:GTLC9E7SM
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:40.41ID:iBBhJrDlp
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:40.60ID:fjF/6q1Q0

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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:48.64ID:zRLzOFll0
>Matsuri and more Dance stuff
Matsuri shows up in chat and says "Good job today" and Pekora starts a tangent regarding Matsuri, saying how she was very kind today because they were practice partners and there was a certain dance move/technique that she couldn't get the hang off and Matsuri noticed this and thought her how to do it.
Pekora quickly breaks off into this story which was before the dancing obviously where they were told to stretch in a certain manner, Pekora attempts to make the chat do the same move telling them to stand up and do it to see if they can, this move was something Pekora couldn't do properly, she even felt that this would be an inhuman level of softness to be able to do this.
She looks around and sees that Matsuri can do it easily, and that Aki also did it and she was worried she was the only one who couldn't, until she looks over to Towa and sees that she also couldn't do it. They make eye-contact and laugh at each other at that time reflecting on that they can't do it with their "stiff" bodies.
Pekora was thinking how nice it is that everyone's body was so flexible, Matsuri notices that Pekora is struggling and laughs a bit at her and Pekora thinks to herself that when the day comes that she also has a soft body from stretching she is going to get back at her by showing it, she ends by saying that it was very fun although she was also very nervous.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:28:52.04ID:fjF/6q1Q0

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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:05.89ID:zRLzOFll0
>More random Dance stuff
Aki shows up in chat around this time making it all the members from the lesson showing up. Pekora says that because she left without sleeping she also didn't eat anything and as soon as she mentioned this she was given chocolate by her senpai's and it gave her a feeling of having become a kid.
>Pekora's choice of training attire and autism
She says that she hates carrying luggage with her when she goes outside so she doesn't exactly bring several sets of clothes with her, for that reason she has always gone to her dance lessons in trousers. She had always seen people with trousers as well so she thought not a lot about it and the ones she use are soft-types that stretch easily meaning she had no problem moving in them.
Today that changed because when she saw the other three members and their actual training attire she became self-concious and started feeling like she is sticking out like a sore thumb, she got so worried about it she reconsidered her attire and on the way home she went and bought a proper set to wear from now on stating that the conciousness of how sad it must look got to her.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:21.90ID:zRLzOFll0
>Hasn't been able to sleep easily lately and excercising
Says that every time she closes her eyes and tries to sleep she'll be thinking about other stuff like checking her twitter and such and eventually she just opens her eyes. Chat suggests streaming from her smartphone but she said she'd never be able to stop if she did that. They also ask if she is training anything and she says she is following some new training video series although she is currently on a two day break(Says approximately so probably longer and she just doesn't want to admit it...) but that she'll continue again. Says that doing it every day is tiring so sometimes you feel like you don't want to do it right?
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:35.36ID:zRLzOFll0
>Izayaka-like with Miko and even more Pekora autism
After their 3D stream they went to eat at an Izayaka-like place and were talking about all kinds of things, Pekora brings up that she wants to invite the other members for practice but that she is clearly worried about how to do it because she asks Miko to look at this proposed message that she wants to send to invite them out and what she thinks about it, Miko looks at it and says that there is no problem with it and that it will surely be fine
Pekora then says that with that support from Miko she was able to ask them out for training
They were eating all kinds of shit and the only thing of note was that Pekora still isn't supposed to eat oily stuff but they still ate karage and a bunch of other stuff.
>Wind-shield Miko
I think whoever asked this if he was a Jap or a JSL was mistaken and thought this happened at the day they were at the previously mentioned Izakaya but this event happened in January which Pekora also says. In any case she re-tells the story briefly saying that it was a cold day with harsh winds and that she felt like she was going to die, so she got up close to Miko, hid her hands by her shoulders and used her back as a wind shield and continued walking like that.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:40.59ID:odqXUFC2a
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:48.39ID:iBBhJrDlp
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:50.07ID:iWm6zhQW0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:53.65ID:zRLzOFll0
>The sport festival
She had a ton of fun with it, stressing it several times how fun it was even if they lost in the end it was a great time, chat points out that it was like the springtime of life(青春) and she agrees that it had that feeling to it. She also feels like everyone got a chance to shine in the tournament it wasn't just focus on a few select members, to her it seemed like every had a lot of fun
Although she was comforting Marine who was worried about messing up she was stressing herself out with the same thoughts like; "What if it is my fault that we lose x or y?"
Reiterates again that she in general can't speak up when in large collabs but because there was so much hype around the event and how kind her team was she was able to push past that self-conciousness and speak normally.
She talks about the time when Moona was in voice chat and how she thought that her usual pressure wouldn't be any different and that she would talk as normal, comparing it to how she is in text chat, but it didn't come out at all. Pekora reflects on that she was nervous and that the situation was difficult considering nobody around can properly speak English and also on how fast Japanese is, so she thought that slower Japanese might work.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:29:57.05ID:M3gjf5w5d
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:00.96ID:8gh7w+ysa
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:03.49ID:GGWHNnaIr
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:10.87ID:zRLzOFll0
>The PVP-competition
She was very impressed with how well they fought together and especially how well Botan reacted to call-outs like when Pekora called out that she was going to heal and that Botan would respond with her coming to cover her. To Pekora it felt like they were an FPS team at the time. Continuing on with Botan she says that if she wasn't there then Botan would definitely be the Red team leader.
She gets a question regarding Marine from chat and goes off on a tangent about Marine as a person, saying how she is a person who is really afraid of being the one at fault and that she'll stress over this a lot if the potential exists. Pekora tells a story from the Ark days where they were doing a collab to get Wyvern eggs and Marine was using one of Pekora's gryphons. At that time Marine was both worried about fucking up the eggs and getting the Gryphon killed to the point of Pekora telling her in the end that it is just a game so if it dies we can just get a new one.
She says that Marine is very weak to pressure while someone in chat suggests she feels a very heavy sense of responsibility and Pekora agrees with that.
The Ark story ties in with her behavior at the Sport festival relay race where she was basically hyperventliating and worrying about fucking up.
Pekora ends with that during the Ark collab when the Gryphon looked like it was about to die she would snap at Marine saying that if she gets the Gryphon killed she'll beat her up(Sadistic Pekora joke)
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:39.07ID:4M2S1kKX0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:39.10ID:zRLzOFll0
>Lots of games she wants to do.
She lists a few things she really wants to do again but she can't stream it, stuff like Metal gear again, Dragon quest, Ghouls n goblins. She was also interested in Hyrule Warriors(She says Zelda Musou and it is the only one I can think about), and of course the new Monster farm but she also can't stream that yet. She gets the question if she'll play the rice loli game and she sounded skeptical since she already has a lot of games in her to-do list and that other members are playing it so you'll have to be satisifed with that for now.
She also wants to do PUBG again with Nousagi and even thought about that it would be really cool to play PUBG with Botan against zombie viewers.
Chat brings up Momotetsu which Pekora hasn't heard about at all and the chat descrbies it kinds like Monopoly(Funnily enough the chat also call it a 友情破壊ゲーム(A friendship destroying game) which is what you tend to hear about Monopoly all the time) and she said she'd definitely like to try it sometime.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:39.25ID:Sek5UTMi0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:43.96ID:Z32JvMpk0
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2020/11/26(木) 03:30:55.15ID:zRLzOFll0
>Totsumachi talk(For the millionth time)
An English fan asks when her birthday is and after she says it someone asks her if she'll do a tostumachi for her birthday, she dodges it as per usual asking; "What is that?". The chat mentions Noel and she goes off congratulating Noel. As she drinks she says that if it is Pekora doing one people will probably not come(Either this is just her go-to excuse or she is really still worried about something like that despite how unreasonable it is).
Chat says that isn't she the only one in Gen 3 who hasn't done one yet? And she realizes it while she thinks about the times they did one and then finishes with; "Well being alone in that regard is fine isn't it?"
A nousagi then asks what a lot of people are probably thinking; "How many times have we had this conversation now?" Pekora goes off on him saying that isn't it fine to have the same story time and time again as long as it is fun and that it is hard to find new things to talk about every time.
Sounds like she ran into an ASMR mic and got interested in buying one although it sounded more like she'd use her hair and stuff to make noise with it rather than say she'd do a full-blown ASMR stream but who knows.
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2020/11/26(木) 03:31:01.68ID:odqXUFC2a
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2020/11/26(木) 03:31:25.87ID:IbNr8bbyd
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2020/11/26(木) 03:31:35.17ID:b0xiTcU/p
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2020/11/26(木) 03:32:19.59ID:odqXUFC2a
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2020/11/26(木) 03:32:32.20ID:okyaC/s00
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2020/11/26(木) 03:32:59.14ID:gX54hAbE0
■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
