874 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 2020/09/13(日) 06:40:04.81 ID:Z1DejykK
454 BLM暴動のジョージフロイドは米国SGIの会員かも? sage 2020/09/12(土) 14:31:24.29 ID:Ggh+xL0q
From this moment forward, let’s advance with the spirit of Buddhist humanism and together:

Reaffirm our commitment to actualize our mentor’s guidance;

Resolve to be a powerful source of the hope that’s needed more than ever in our families, friendships, and communities, based on the strategy of the Lotus Sutra; and

Pray for the health, safety and protection of all of our treasured friends.

Every single one of us, without exception, can and must be the protagonist to enable America to become a society of beauty and unity, dedicated to peace and justice based on Sensei’s guidance.

Adin Strauss General Director

Naoko Leslie Women’s Leader

Kevin Moncrief Men’s Leader

Olivia Saito Youth Leader

Ryo Kuroki Young Men’s Leader

Maya Gunaseharan Young Women’s Leader
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