垢版 |
2018/07/31(火) 00:07:40.94ID:oshyrMC6
垢版 |
2018/11/09(金) 20:28:08.30ID:n7vPLA8Y
Last but not least, three laws of Do-Teihen(lowest-tier) Medical School, currently called Gachi'Ura by its graduates.
It is not the bottom medical school but its enrollee that is despicable, which deserves to be called a bona fide moron beyond redemption.
The graduates of Do-Teihen are so ashamed that none of them dare to mention their own alma mater they had gone through.
The Do-Teihen graduates are so ashamed of having bought their way into the exclusively lowest-tier medical school
that they tend to call a genuine doctor a charlatan who elucidates their imbecility.
垢版 |
2018/11/10(土) 22:46:46.29ID:aHHQqO5R
Last but not least, three laws of Do-Teihen(lowest-tier) Medical School, currently called Gachi'Ura by its graduates.
It is not the bottom medical school but its enrollee that is despicable, which deserves to be called a bona fide moron beyond redemption.
The graduates of Do-Teihen are so ashamed that none of them dare to mention their own alma mater they had gone through.
The Do-Teihen graduates are so ashamed of having bought their way into the exclusively lowest-tier medical school
that they tend to call a genuine doctor a charlatan who elucidates their imbecility.
垢版 |
2018/11/13(火) 15:08:40.24ID:EZEaUTrv
Last but not least, three laws of Do-Teihen(lowest-tier) Medical School, currently called Gachi'Ura by its graduates.
It is not the bottom medical school but its enrollee that is despicable, which deserves to be called a bona fide moron beyond redemption.
The graduates of Do-Teihen are so ashamed that none of them dare to mention their own alma mater they had gone through.
The Do-Teihen graduates are so ashamed of having bought their way into the exclusively lowest-tier medical school
that they tend to call a genuine doctor a charlatan who elucidates their imbecility.
垢版 |
2018/11/15(木) 20:59:56.54ID:ziKbMPPq
Last but not least, three laws of Do-Teihen(lowest-tier) Medical School, currently called Gachi'Ura by its graduates.
It is not the bottom medical school but its enrollee that is despicable, which deserves to be called a bona fide moron beyond redemption.
The graduates of Do-Teihen are so ashamed that none of them dare to mention their own alma mater they had gone through.
The Do-Teihen graduates are so ashamed of having bought their way into the exclusively lowest-tier medical school
that they tend to call a genuine doctor a charlatan who elucidates their imbecility.
垢版 |
2018/11/16(金) 14:10:55.23ID:9nJ8ZSUf
垢版 |
2018/11/16(金) 16:23:55.20ID:Oy1e0qaI
垢版 |
2018/11/16(金) 19:18:53.42ID:lLHsnLDJ
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/17(土) 09:18:40.74ID:Xiv5Sp0o
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/11/17(土) 23:42:17.49ID:7FfFKHDd
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/19(月) 00:28:26.49ID:6+hS1SxI
i tried it in Showa u motherfucker. in that time niggers were supposed be in what niggahz were supposed to be motherfucking in, which we call a discrimination.
they pay shit loaded money to motherfucking niggers ass-bitch cocksucker fucking gringo homosexual hobo
i mean fuck you all go down hell
垢版 |
2018/11/20(火) 20:18:36.60ID:HF+OgDBw
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/11/21(水) 20:52:19.96ID:5Xwsg5oK
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/24(土) 01:26:51.26ID:5hOk6q/8
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/24(土) 20:16:07.21ID:mGu7MkO8
Last but not least, three laws of Do-Teihen(lowest-tier) Medical School, currently called Gachi'Ura by its graduates.
It is not the bottom medical school but its enrollee that is despicable, which deserves to be called a bona fide moron beyond redemption.
The graduates of Do-Teihen are so ashamed that none of them dare to mention their own alma mater they had gone through.
The Do-Teihen graduates are so ashamed of having bought their way into the exclusively lowest-tier medical school
that they tend to call a genuine doctor a charlatan who elucidates their imbecility.
垢版 |
2018/11/25(日) 22:52:13.46ID:JHTxnUVJ
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/11/26(月) 21:58:33.66ID:jAj5imvs
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/27(火) 18:52:11.47ID:sOmaXwxS
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/28(水) 21:10:20.59ID:CEw4d3xR
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/11/30(金) 19:51:28.80ID:xArzouVY
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/12/01(土) 09:50:19.20ID:j/i2xXms
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/12/01(土) 22:41:10.77ID:N4WBnKxq
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/02(日) 21:36:32.67ID:jYRj3cxk
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/12/02(日) 23:52:35.52ID:5KkHnCxW
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that "uraguchi" long established cannot be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown, that BMS are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms from which they can pursue profit.

But when a long train of misbehavior and misconduct , showing invariably the same Imbecility evinces a design to reveal themselves as absolute Bona Fide Moron ,
it is their right, it is their duty, to expel such "uraguchi", and to provide new guards for their future security.
垢版 |
2018/12/04(火) 08:47:16.75ID:5RbFVsgB
3S Policy Causes the ResultTruman of Panama document and 3S policy

We are keeping the citizens in a cage named "Freedom of Falsehood".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the citizens are our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity. It makes it sick
(with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority
of the victorious country.The medal and the Nobel prize is not all Raoul declarationExamples of 3S policy
Hypocrites and disguised society and Panama document "He moved here here two years ago, I was afraid
of looking, but I thought it was a polite person to greet" Hello "when I saw it ... It was not like I was waking
this kind of incident ... ... "(Neighboring residents)On November 7, Shosuke Hotta, 42, a self-proclaimed office
worker in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was arrested on suspicion of abusing her daughter Sakurai Ai.
This is the nature of the Earthlings
垢版 |
2018/12/05(水) 00:37:12.64ID:DRmF49xK
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/07(金) 03:15:00.28ID:YE3oTb4v
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/07(金) 20:24:53.00ID:g1XwAPhY
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/08(土) 08:27:07.46ID:zDFqJt9G
liars <- function(Answer,Strict=TRUE){ # duplicate answer and/or case of all liars permitted
for(i in 1:N) arg[[i]]=0:1
dat=do.call(expand.grid,arg) # expand.grid(0:1,0:1,0:1,...,0:1)
check <- function(y,answer=Answer){
if(all(y==1)) {!all(1:N %in% answer)}
else{ # Strict: all honest answer compatible & not included in liar's anwer
if(Strict){all(answer[y==0]==sum(y)) & !(sum(y) %in% answer[y==1])}
else {all(answer[y==0]==sum(y))}

liars(Answer<-sample(10,10,rep=T),S=F) ; Answer

liars(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9),Strict=FALSE)
liars(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9),Strict=TRUE)
垢版 |
2018/12/08(土) 20:18:26.50ID:W3abFsTH
liars <- function(Answer,Strict=TRUE){ # duplicate answer and/or case of all liars permitted
for(i in 1:N) arg[[i]]=0:1
dat=do.call(expand.grid,arg) # expand.grid(0:1,0:1,0:1,...,0:1)
check <- function(y,answer=Answer){
if(all(y==1)) {!all(1:N %in% answer)}
else{ # Strict: all honest answer compatible & not included in liar's anwer
if(Strict){all(answer[y==0]==sum(y)) & !(sum(y) %in% answer[y==1])}
else {all(answer[y==0]==sum(y))}

liars(Answer<-sample(10,10,rep=T),S=F) ; Answer

liars(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9),Strict=FALSE)
liars(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9),Strict=TRUE)
垢版 |
2018/12/11(火) 22:24:04.68ID:ZpL2ZJIP
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/12(水) 08:54:16.32ID:fqqMZq3K
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/13(木) 06:01:50.27ID:DJbhv2U2
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/15(土) 22:09:24.45ID:i5AtmQy6
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/18(火) 17:58:30.90ID:1Qdo/F9w
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/18(火) 21:55:41.82ID:RRjIHldX
3S Policy Causes the ResultTruman of Panama document and 3S policy

We are keeping the citizens in a cage named "Freedom of Falsehood".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the citizens are our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity. It makes it sick
(with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority
of the victorious country.The medal and the Nobel prize is not all Raoul declarationExamples of 3S policy
Hypocrites and disguised society and Panama document "He moved here here two years ago, I was afraid
of looking, but I thought it was a polite person to greet" Hello "when I saw it ... It was not like I was waking
this kind of incident ... ... "(Neighboring residents)On November 7, Shosuke Hotta, 42, a self-proclaimed office
worker in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was arrested on suspicion of abusing her daughter Sakurai Ai.
This is the nature of the Earthlings
垢版 |
2018/12/18(火) 23:24:49.79ID:tWRHqQaJ
垢版 |
2018/12/19(水) 00:26:35.06ID:PLnAN0BK
3S Policy Causes the ResultTruman of Panama document and 3S policy

We are keeping the citizens in a cage named "Freedom of Falsehood".
The way you just give them some luxury and convenience.Then release sports, screen, sex (3S).
Because the citizens are our livestock. For that reason, we must make it longevity. It makes it sick
(with chemicals etc.) and keeps it alive.This will keep us harvesting. This is also the authority
of the victorious country.The medal and the Nobel prize is not all Raoul declarationExamples of 3S policy
Hypocrites and disguised society and Panama document "He moved here here two years ago, I was afraid
of looking, but I thought it was a polite person to greet" Hello "when I saw it ... It was not like I was waking
this kind of incident ... ... "(Neighboring residents)On November 7, Shosuke Hotta, 42, a self-proclaimed office
worker in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was arrested on suspicion of abusing her daughter Sakurai Ai.
This is the nature of the Earthlings
垢版 |
2018/12/21(金) 13:23:18.79ID:oQHNIYqE
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/21(金) 19:56:33.54ID:b22UegL5
垢版 |
2018/12/27(木) 23:39:13.55ID:2ua+gUjG
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/28(金) 21:37:45.33ID:X1hk22oj
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/29(土) 20:11:12.00ID:DlNi2S51
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/29(土) 23:28:37.00ID:tBA0hWC6
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2018/12/30(日) 02:18:19.71ID:heUtAPiS
垢版 |
2019/01/02(水) 20:23:15.44ID:XDtHxatd
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/03(木) 22:26:52.81ID:pv3ynAMm
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/04(金) 19:52:39.20ID:G2Rj2t04
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/05(土) 00:23:12.87ID:X56IPw/0
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/05(土) 13:06:40.41ID:1KoYjjkI
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/05(土) 19:10:17.23ID:71bgktVe
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/06(日) 23:10:53.98ID:PSVRj6pz
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/07(月) 21:22:36.83ID:/APKkASA
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/08(火) 17:31:12.65ID:5YyNsaaz
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/17(木) 21:00:41.00ID:EmzpvyOy
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/24(木) 15:15:13.72ID:7fT+1bS6
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/01/28(月) 21:53:26.81ID:+PCpJyrP
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/02/11(月) 00:12:15.54ID:auVVNadH









垢版 |
2019/02/13(水) 12:54:16.63ID:hLnbSCPn
It is common knowledge among doctors and patients that Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school) graduates mean morons who bought their way to Gachi'Ura(currently called by themselves)

According to the experience of entrance exam to medical school in the era of Showa, when the sense of discrimination against
privately-founded medical schools were more intense than it is now,
all such schools but for Keio had been so compared to some specialized institution for educable mentally retarded kids that nobody but imbecile successors of physicians in private practice had applied for admission.

There had been NOT a single classmate who chose willingly against his/her common sense to go to the Do-Teihen(exclusively bottom-leveled medical school, currently also known as Gachi'Ura),
which would have cost outrageous money and its graduates are destined to be called Uraguchi morons who bought thier way into the Do-Teihen, by thier colleagues and even by thier own clients.

Although people won't call them names to their face,
certain 80-90% people of about my age have been yet scorning and sneering at Uraguchi graduates, speaking in the back of our mind,
" Uraguchi morons shall not behave like somebody."
We never speak out face to face in real life.
垢版 |
2019/03/06(水) 20:10:07.02ID:BS7+KKMj
垢版 |
2019/03/09(土) 11:16:16.37ID:H28N3SVE
垢版 |
2019/03/10(日) 22:58:17.52ID:cK2OS1He

ビタミン剤を処方しておきながら 野菜ジュースを否定するとはどれだけバカなんだ

煮炊きした野菜しかだめとお前は主張するが それは認知心理学的にも皮膚の医学的にも大バカ者の発言だ

お前に当てはまることが万人に当てはまると勘違いするな バカ 強迫症状みせるな 



垢版 |
2019/07/06(土) 23:28:04.64ID:XwnMbd9r
垢版 |
2019/07/07(日) 06:25:06.90ID:nbO9AVEB
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:17:06.92ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:25:10.53ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:31:52.82ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:43:04.67ID:P8qXZWap
 皮膚科医の妄想、虚言癖、奇声、醜い姿、キモ悪、劣悪な態度 が全ていらない
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:47:17.96ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:49:30.34ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:50:29.36ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 03:50:49.53ID:P8qXZWap
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:02:36.66ID:P8qXZWap
I will tell for Hagejijii of Kokubo doctor's office in Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama City

How stupid it is to deny vegetable juice while prescribing vitamins

You insist that cooked vegetables are only used, but it is a remark of a large idiot who is cognitively psychologically and medically medically

Do not misunderstand that what applies to you applies to everyone stupid symptoms do not show symptoms

It's a bit confusing to neglect the patient's benefit by focusing on the drug company's request

It was extremely uncomfortable

So let me tell you, die, die!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:04:37.36ID:P8qXZWap
Even if you say the right thing, the attitude that reverses the patient's mind,
I can only say I want to stop the doctor
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:06:55.82ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologists are confused in private language.
I hate dermatologists! Liar! I do not trust!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:08:24.94ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologist disappears!
The dermatologist's delusions, loneliness, weird voices, ugly appearances, bad moods, bad attitudes are not complete
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:12:25.76ID:P8qXZWap
Irrelevant dermatologists should not insult the patient and seek medical examination! !
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:13:16.47ID:P8qXZWap
Irrelevant dermatologists should not insult the patient and seek medical examination! !
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:16:43.21ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologists bother, hate everything, hate voices, die, don't need, don't call, don't call
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:17:18.52ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologists bother, hate everything, hate voices, die, don't need, don't call, don't call
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:18:12.57ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologist dies!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:19:23.20ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologists are the root of all evils.
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2019/07/14(日) 04:22:24.97ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologists do not live on earth !!
Dermatologists do not live on earth !!
Dermatologists do not live on earth !!
Dermatologists do not live on earth !!
Dermatologists do not live on earth !!
Dermatologists do not live on earth !!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:25:39.02ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologist disappears! You're dead!
Dermatologist disappears! You're dead!
Dermatologist disappears! You're dead!
Dermatologist disappears! You're dead!
Dermatologist disappears! You're dead!
Dermatologist disappears! You're dead!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:29:14.96ID:P8qXZWap
Subliminal music
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 04:31:19.10ID:P8qXZWap
Subliminal music
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
垢版 |
2019/07/14(日) 06:28:16.97ID:P8qXZWap
Dermatologist song
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
垢版 |
2019/07/18(木) 06:21:00.91ID:vVSaXwnK

ビタミン剤を処方しておきながら 野菜ジュースを否定するとはどれだけバカなんだ

煮炊きした野菜しかだめとお前は主張するが それは認知心理学的にも皮膚の医学的にも大バカ者の発言だ

お前に当てはまることが万人に当てはまると勘違いするな バカ 強迫症状みせるな 



垢版 |
2019/07/18(木) 06:21:44.09ID:vVSaXwnK

ビタミン剤を処方しておきながら 野菜ジュースを否定するとはどれだけバカなんだ

煮炊きした野菜しかだめとお前は主張するが それは認知心理学的にも皮膚の医学的にも大バカ者の発言だ

お前に当てはまることが万人に当てはまると勘違いするな バカ 強迫症状みせるな 



垢版 |
2019/07/18(木) 06:24:20.76ID:vVSaXwnK

お前に当てはまることが万人に当てはまると勘違いするな バカ 強迫症状みせるな 



垢版 |
2019/07/18(木) 06:46:03.86ID:vVSaXwnK
垢版 |
2019/07/19(金) 22:42:54.35ID:O3/7EP0X

垢版 |
2019/07/19(金) 22:44:47.04ID:O3/7EP0X

垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 02:53:53.68ID:v2qz6nDB
 そして、小学生のほうが「Big heart」と言っていました。
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 03:01:23.83ID:v2qz6nDB
Subliminal music
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 03:02:30.22ID:v2qz6nDB
Dermatologist song
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
Dermologist I am a poor soldier, poor, poor personality!
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 03:11:48.88ID:v2qz6nDB

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2019/07/21(日) 03:13:22.47ID:v2qz6nDB



垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 03:14:33.67ID:v2qz6nDB
Subliminal music
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
Dermatologists are poor soldiers!
