WHAT: Facebook banned Donald Trump from posting on his Facebook accounts for at
least the next two weeks until the transition of power to President-elect Joe Biden
is complete. (ry

WHAT: Instagram banned Donald Trump from posting on his Facebook accounts for at
least the next two weeks until the transition of power to President-elect Joe Biden
is complete.(ry

WHAT: Snapchat disabled Trump's Snapchat account Wednesday because it believes the
account promotes and spreads hate and incites violence, a spokesperson said.(ry

WHAT: TikTok is removing content violations and redirecting hashtags like
#stormthecapitol and #patriotparty to its community guidelines.(ry

WHAT: Apple on Friday threatened to remove right-wing-friendly social media app
Parler from its App Store if Parler doesn’t lay out a plan to moderate its

WHAT: Discord says it has banned server The Donald, per journalist Casey Newton.(ry

WHAT: Pinterest has been limiting hashtags related to pro-Trump topics such as
#StopTheSteal since around the November election, a spokesperson said.(ry