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'A Confederacy of Dunces': Republicans mocked over calls for secession after
Trump's Supreme Court loss

Republicans panicked on Friday after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected efforts
to overturn the 2020 election so President Donald Trump could remain in office
despite losing to President-elect Joe...

Far-right internet personalities Diamond and Silk called for a military coup.
極右の「Diamond and Silk」は軍事クーデターを要請
Allen West, the state chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, evoked the
Civil War in a statement released after the ruling.
テキサス州共和党の州議長のAllen Westは内戦もどきを言う
“This decision will have far reaching ramifications for the future of our
constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should band together
and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution,” West