Republican AGs don’t mind getting fooled again in backing Texas lawsuit to
overthrow election
Published 2 hours ago on December 9, 2020By Ray Hartmann

Legal experts of all stripes have roundly condemned the Texas effort as not even
rising to the level of a frivolous lawsuit. But Job One for the Republican
officeholders is not to win, but rather to placate the Audience of One and his
frothing base in their home states. Politically speaking, a loss equals a win
(and campaign donations) for statewide Republican officials. A stand on principle
would equal putting one’s home in the sights of raging Proud Boys.


But if you’re really want to know how low they’ve gone consider how the Texas
lawsuit was greeted today by the extremely conservative website of the National
Review. The headline was unambiguous:
“Texas’s Frivolous Lawsuit Seeks to Overturn Election in Four Other States:
There’s no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas’ lawsuit”

Ouch. If that weren’t bad enough, the analysis was penned by one of the legal
stars of the right-wing galaxy, none other than Fox News regular (and National
Review senior fellow) Andrew C. McCarthy, who excoriated Texas Attorney General
Ken Paxton.
この分析は保守系の法律家のスターの一人であるAndrew C. McCarthyのものである