●Mitt Romney上院議員
Mitt Romney, the Utah Senator who has been a Trump critic, wrote on Twitter late
Thursday that Trump had failed to make a “plausible case” of widespread election
fraud, and was now trying to pressure state and local officials to overturn the
election. “It is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action,” he wrote.

First “never Trumpers” called on Trump to begin turning over power to Biden
almost immediately after the Nov. 3 election, the strategist said on Friday,
followed by “marginal never Trumpers” a week later.
They are now being joined by Republicans who supported him reluctantly over the
past four years, he said. “In reality, Republicans all over are turning the page”
on Trump’s presidency, he said.

共和党の某ストラテジストによれば、最初は“never Trumpers”(トランプ大嫌い派)が
反応していたが次に“marginal never Trumpers”(微妙にトランプ嫌い派)が一週間後
ろ共和党全体がトランプに「turning the page」(心機一転して出直す)気分だ。