As Trump Focuses on 2024, Aides Mull Agenda for Final Days
The president’s attention has been on his legal fight and a possible comeback bid,
not a policy to-do list for the next two months
By Rebecca Ballhaus and Andrew Restuccia Updated Nov. 12, 2020 2:44 pm ET
トランプは 2024年大統領選再出馬に焦点をあて、側近らは現政権の最終アジェンダを考慮

WASHINGTON?President Trump in recent days has expressed increasing interest in
running for president again in 2024. He has spent less time on his remaining 69
days in office, leaving it to aides to determine what he could accomplish.

Mr. Trump hasn’t discussed what elements of his policy agenda he wants to
execute before leaving office, White House officials said. One official said
there has been little formal planning on what needs to get done in the final
months of the Trump administration. Some aides have begun compiling a list of
regulations and other measures that can be completed before Inauguration Day,
another official said.

Officials said they expect negotiations with lawmakers about the next round
of coronavirus relief legislation will resume at some point. Some White House
policy aides are also discussing potential executive orders on a range of
issues, such as banning banks from refusing to lend to fossil-fuel companies,
officials said.

White House adviser Stephen Miller and other officials are also rushing to
complete a series of immigration regulations and rules that would make it
tougher to win asylum and appeal a deportation order and effectively eliminate
the H-1B visa lottery, which would largely shut off the program for recent
college graduates, administration officials said. The Biden administration
could seek to reverse the rules but it would take time and would likely prompt
a fresh round of legal challenges.