
Paul Krugman@paulkrugman・4時間
Some thoughts about the vaccine, and it *doesn't* imply.
Pfizer says it might be available for widespread distribution by 3rd quarter.
That's great. But it's also 8 months away 1/

Meanwhile, new cases have grown 3% *per day* over the past month. If they
continued growing at that pace for 8 months, they'd be up by a factor of 1000.
Obv that won't happen ? we'd all be infected long before. But the point is that
the vaccine won't control the current surge 2/

For now we need mitigation measures to avoid mass casualties ? and economic
relief to get people through a very dark pandemic winter 3/

We should be *more* willing to do these things knowing that an end is visible:
both the strains of social distancing and massive relief payments would be
bridges to a better future. But will Rs sabotage all of this? Very worried 4/