Man featured at Giuliani press conference is a convicted sex offender
By MATT FRIEDMAN 11/09/2020 09:28 AM EST Updated 11/09/2020 11:30 AM EST

The first person Rudy Giuliani, the attorney for President Donald Trump, called
up as a witness to baseless allegations of vote counting shenanigans in
Philadelphia during a press conference last week is a sex offender who for years
has been a perennial candidate in New Jersey.

“It’s such a shame. This is a democracy,” Daryl Brooks, who said he was a GOP
poll watcher, said at the press conference, held at Four Seasons Total Landscaping
in Northeast Philadelphia. “They did not allow us to see anything. Was it corrupt
or not? But give us an opportunity as poll watchers to view all the documents ?
all of the ballots.”
Trenton political insiders watched with bemusement as Brooks took the podium.

Brooks was incarcerated in the 1990s on charges of sexual assault, lewdness and
endangering the welfare of a minor for exposing himself to two girls ages 7 and 11,
according to news accounts.
Brooks has run for various offices, including U.S. Senate and the House of

“I started watching it and all of a sudden I was like, ‘there’s New Jersey’s
perennial candidate claiming to live in Philadelphia and Giuliani claiming him to
be a poll watcher and Philadelphia resident," Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora said in
a phone interview.