U.S. Coronavirus Cases Surpass Summer Peak And Are Climbing Higher Fast
October 27, 202010:14 AM ET

"The trend line looks quite vertical," says Dr. Jessica Justman, an associate
professor of medicine in epidemiology at Columbia University's Mailman School
of Public Health. "It looks like this third surge is on track to be higher than
the one in late July."

On Friday, the U.S. recorded the most new cases in a single day ? more than 83,000,
followed by almost as many on Saturday. While new cases were a bit lower Sunday
and Monday, the trend line ? the seven-day rolling average ? is clearly rising.
"It's a lot of states that have very brisk rises in their cases," says Justman.

The sharp jump in cases has hospitals on edge.

"We may see a surge like we have not seen yet, and that is very troubling," says
Dr. Bruce Siegel, president of America's Essential Hospitals, which represents
more than 300 safety-net hospitals.