Dr. Fauci Calls Out ‘Outlandish’ Reporting on Fox News, Dr. Scott Atlas’
‘Outlier’ Views Over Misleading Pandemic Info
By Reed RichardsonSep 28th, 2020, 5:59 pm

The head of the nation’s infectious diseases institute, Dr. Anthony Fauci, directly
called out both Fox News and Trump’s newly-appointed Covid adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas,
for spreading misleading information about the Covid pandemic.

During an interview on CNN on Monday with Brian Stelter, Fauci pulled few punches in
naming the network and the Trump confidante as doing a disservice to the public.
The brief clip of the interview was shown at the beginning of the 5:00 p.m. edition
of The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, guest hosted by Jim Acosta.


The comments from Fauci came just hours after he publicly questioned the decision
by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to effectively end all indoor lockdowns in that
state. With Covid cases up nearly 20 percent nationwide since the week after Labor
Day, Fauci warned that “we’re not in a very good place” and singled out Florida’s
full re-opening of bars as “very concerning.”

ファウチはフロリダ州知事のRon DeSantisがCovid規制の全面解除にも疑問を呈した