Harris 'electrifies' West Indian voters ? and gives Biden a new edge in Florida
The Black West Indian diaspora community is a little-discussed but increasingly
influential slice of the electorate of the nation’s biggest swing state.

LAUDERHILL, Fla. ? Almost as soon as Kamala Harris became the first woman of
Jamaican-Indian descent to be nominated for vice president, a mock White House
menu of oxtail and jerk chicken cropped up on a West Indian diaspora Facebook
group called Soca de Vote.

Calls from Caribbean radio show hosts flooded the Biden campaign from South
Florida. And a jolt of excitement shot through the crowd of early vote poll
workers at the Lauderdhill Mall, in the midst of Broward County’s growing
Jamaican community.

“There was just this sense of energy,” state Rep. Anika Omphroy, a daughter
of two Jamaican immigrants, said in describing the moment the announcement
was received.

Even Republicans acknowledge Harris could have an effect.

“There is a very tight connection between Haitian Americans in South Florida
and Jamaican Americans in South Florida,” said Hans Mardy, a Haitian-American
Republican activist from Miami. “We are one when it comes to our struggle.
We fought the same war. We have the same Bible. What is good for one immigrant,
is good for us all.”