How QAnon rode the pandemic to new heights ? and fueled the viral anti-mask
Researchers and experts say QAnon has emerged in recent months as a sort of
centralized hub for conspiracy and alternative health communities.
Aug. 14, 2020, 7:00 PM JST By Ben Collins

In February, five months before she became known as "QAnon Karen," there was no
one more terrified of the coming pandemic than Melissa Rein Lively.
 ・・・・By July 5, she had gone into a Target store and trashed the mask
section, streaming her rage in a viral post that drew over 10 million views.
Before the police closed in on her garage, she livestreamed her own mental
breakdown on her company's Instagram account, telling police to "call Donald
Trump and ask him" why she shouldn't be arrested for her actions.
She was, she told the police, the "QAnon spokesperson."
Rein Lively's experience is one that researchers recognize.
 ・・・・ Twitter and Instagram during the pandemic were then introduced to
extremist groups like QAnon, aided by shared beliefs about energy, healing
or God ? and often by recommendation algorithms.

And while anti-mask sentiment has surfaced in a variety of ways for a number
of reasons, viral videos of anti-mask confrontations have become causes for
celebration in conspiracy circles, embraced as examples of people taking the
fight against their shadowy enemy into the real world.