His pandemic-response approval is about the same as his overall approval, and it’s
ahead of where he runs in the New York Times/Siena, Harvard/Harris, and CNBC polls,
so it’s apparently not what’s dragging him down either. Nor does the gradual
slide on pandemic-response approval match up with changes in election polling.

Instead, the driving factor for Trump’s collapse appears to be race. Polls have
consistently shown that Americans disapprove of his response to protests of police
violence and believe that he has worsened race relations. In the New York Times/
Siena poll, race relations (33 percent) and the protests (29 percent) are the only
areas where issue approval lags behind his overall vote preference. In the Harvard/
Harris poll, the same two areas earn Trump his worst marks of any issue, though they
are still slightly higher than his expected vote.

But why? Perhaps it’s just a matter of what issues are most important to voters
right now. There’s always been a sizable contingent of reluctant or conflicted
Trump supporters. In 2016 exit polls, only 35 percent of voters said Trump had the
temperament to be president, but he won 46 percent of the popular vote. These
voters are a familiar staple of news coverage too?the ones who preface their support
with “I don’t always like the way he phrases it” or “I wish he would tone it
down a little, but …”

Until now, these voters may have been able to overlook Trump’s other flaws because
he was getting done things they liked. But the pandemic has frozen progress on
nearly all of Trump’s policy priorities, insofar as they were still alive anyway.
Even if voters approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, it’s no longer much of
a positive benefit. And the profusion of news coverage has made issues of race
impossible to ignore.