Biden is also much closer to earning majority support than Clinton at this point
before the last presidential election. As of July 19, 2016, Clinton was only at
44 percent in the RealClearPolitics average, well short of Biden's 49 percent ?
and that Biden number is before the ABC News/Washington Post poll with him at
54 percent was added to the average.

A “defined” Joe Biden
Similarly, 44 percent of voters surveyed by an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll
last week said they had a positive opinion of Biden, while 46 percent viewed
him negatively. That compares to a 37 percent positive, 38 percent negative rating
a month earlier, suggesting that Biden is in fact becoming more defined ? but
it isn’t helping Trump.

It’s all about coronavirus
In the Quinnipiac poll, only 35 percent of voters said they approve of Trump’s
response to the coronavirus, down from 42 percent a month ago. In the
NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Trump’s approval on the virus took a similar
plunge, going from 43 percent in June to 37 percent in July.
Then there’s the new ABC News/Washington Post poll, which shows Trump’s approval
on the coronavirus declining from 45 percent among registered voters in late May
to 38 percent in the latest poll.

Don’t misread the enthusiasm gap
In the Quinnipiac poll, 71 percent of Democratic voters said they are paying
“a lot” of attention to the election ? slightly more than the 67 percent of
Republicans who said the same. In the NBC/WSJ survey, 80 percent of Democrats
rated their level of interest in the election as a “9” or “10” on a 1-10
scale, more than the 74 percent of Republicans who gave the same ratings.