Polls show Biden routing Trump. Here's how to read them.
A new survey from ABC News and the Washington Post is the latest high-quality poll
to show Biden with a double-digit lead.
By STEVEN SHEPARD 07/19/2020 07:00 AM EDT

President Donald Trump’s bad poll numbers are getting worse.
The latest data point: A new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday shows
Trump 15 points behind former Vice President Joe Biden among registered voters,
55 percent to 40 percent.

Putting Biden’s lead in perspective
Only two challengers who led incumbents at this stage of the campaign ? John
Kerry in 2004 and Michael Dukakis in 1988 ? ended up losing, and each held a
smaller lead than Biden’s. (Dukakis would even pad his lead before losing it
completely, thanks to a convention bump that receded quickly in August).

For a more recent comparison, Biden’s advantage well outstrips the lead Hillary
Clinton had at this point in the 2016 race, when she led Trump by 3 points in
the RealClearPolitics average. Clinton’s lead would briefly top out at an 8-point
lead in early August, and then again crest to 7 points in the immediate aftermath
of the “Access Hollywood” video in October.