Updated 6 hours ago - Politics & Policy
Biden leads Trump by 15 points in new poll as coronavirus cases spike

Former Vice President Joe Biden is the preferred candidate to handle the coronavirus
pandemic and he's opened up a 15-point lead over President Trump, an ABC News/
Washington Post poll published early on Sunday finds.

By the numbers: Biden is ahead of Trump 55-40% among registered voters. However, the
presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's margin reduces to 54-44% among likely

Why it matters: Per the poll news release, "Three and a half months ago the two
candidates were virtually even in trust to handle the pandemic, Trump +2 percentage
points, 45-43 percent. Today, with COVID-19 cases surging around the nation, Biden
leads Trump on the issue by a 20-point margin, 54-34 percent."

19 states this week set new highs for coronavirus infections recorded in a single day
this week and the U.S. on Saturday reported more than 71,500 new coronavirus cases
? second highest to the record 75,600-plus set last Thursday.
62% of registered voters told a Quinnipiac University poll out last Wednesday that
Trump's hurting efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.