Coronavirus Strikes at Least 2,100 Senior Facilities Across U.S., Killing 2,300 People
Tally of 37 states suggests pandemic has had bigger impact than federal government has reported
Coronavirus Update: Jobless Claims Rise, the Fed Shores Up the Economy
By Anna Wilde Mathews and Jon Kamp
Updated April 10, 2020 7:04 pm ET

The new coronavirus has hit more than 2,100 nursing homes and other senior facilities
around the U.S., killing over 2,300 people, according to a survey by The Wall Street
Journal, an indication the pandemic’s toll in these facilities has been greater than
the federal government has reported.

Nursing homes and other senior-living facilities in the U.S. have reported at least
15,473 coronavirus cases, according to data collected from 37 states that responded
to requests from the Journal, which contacted all 50 health departments.