Prepare For Outbreaks Like New York's In Other States, Warns Anthony Fauci
March 26, 20201:22 PM ET
米国の感染症医学の第一人者、Dr. Fauci が警告「NYのようなアウトブレイクが他の州でも

There are other states, including Florida, that are seeing a surge in cases
reminiscent of what we saw in New York maybe a week ago. Should those states be
looking at New York and thinking: That's what's going to happen here and we need
to be prepared for that?

Absolutely. That's the course of these types of outbreaks. So Florida has gotten
hit both from internal [cases], but also from travel-related cases of people who
leave New York, many of whom have second homes in Florida. So we're having a
situation, as is predictable when you have outbreaks like this, that you seed
different areas from hot spots.