Dr. Fauci Throws Cold Water on Trump’s Target of Easter to Reopen the Country:
‘An Projection to Give People Some Hope’
By Joe DePaoloMar 26th, 2020, 9:00 pm
米国の感染症医学の第一人者、Dr. Fauci がトランプ大統領の「復活祭までに経済再開」と

“I think what the president was trying to do, he was making an aspirational
projection to give people some hope,” Fauci replied.
Still, Fauci claimed that Trump is receptive to guidance from public health
experts like himself and Dr. Deborah Birx ? another member of the task force.
“He’s listening to us when we say we’ve really got to reevaluate it in
real-time,” Fauci said. “And any decision we make has to be based on the data.”