
1:26 pm Jan 26 上海市は隣接地域間の鉄道を停止
Shanghai on Sunday suspended its metro's inter-provincial line running between
Huaqiao Station and Anting Station to prevent the spread of the epidemic: Shanghai
transport authority

1:25 pm Jan 26 中国の各大学の春季入試を延期
Chinese universities, including Beijing Film Academy, to postpone entrance exams,
spring terms amid coronavirus outbreak.

1:15 pm Jan 26 国立健康委員会は各地の町村に対して管轄の司法当局による武漢肺炎の
China's National Health Commission on Saturday ordered villages and communities
to carry out inch-by-inch searches in their jurisdictions. Anyone from #Wuhan
should be registered and under home observation for 14 days.

1:03 pm Jan 26 武漢に防疫器具セット1000点が送られた
More than 10,000 sets of anti-epidemic supplies were sent from Shenyang, Liaoning
Province, to Wuhan to fight the new coronavirus. This batch of supplies is scheduled
to arrive in Wuhan on Jan 26.

12:57 pm Jan 26 建設中の武漢肺炎対応病院は完成後に軍の管轄となる
The Huoshenshan Hospital, which means the hospital of the god of fire in Chinese,
will be placed under military rule once its construction is completed.

12:45 pm Jan 26 北京の指導的なトップ6病院の医師らが武漢に向かう
Leading doctors from six top hospitals in Beijing began their journey to Wuhan on
Sunday to combat the coronavirus.