Ivanka’s North Korea Photobombs Perplex White House Officials
Multiple officials in Washington were caught off guard by the news that Ivanka
Trump had found her way into a conversation about nuclear weapons between
her father and Kim Jong Un.
Erin Banco National Security Reporter
Asawin Suebsaeng White House Reporter
Published 07.01.19 9:19PM ET

Images of the president greeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un as “my friend”
in a last-minute meet-up streamed across televisions worldwide.
Trump wasn’t alone. After a few snapshots, Ivanka Trump, along with her husband
Jared Kushner, followed the president into what’s known as the Freedom House?
a building on the South Korean side of the zone. That’s when the cameras stopped.
The media was reportedly blocked from entering and covering the historic event.

It wasn’t until later that reporters learned Ivanka and Kushner did more than
accompany the president into the Freedom House. They were present at the closed
-door 50-minute meeting between the two leaders who spoke about one of the
most sensitive topics on the planet?the North Korean’s nuclear weapons program.

And despite the meeting’s significance and public reporting, U.S. officials back in
Washington told The Daily Beast they were not informed that Ivanka and Kushner
were present. One official said the team in South Korea had not yet briefed relevant
advisors stateside.