‘Action now’: the farmers standing up against ‘wilful ignorance’ on climate
The challenge for farmers is how to discuss global warming without scaring people
out of food production

Australia’s largest and oldest continuing pastoral company, AACo, owns 7m hectares
of land or roughly 1% of Australia’s land mass.
After the loss of 43,000 head of cattle in record flooding in the Gulf of Carpentaria,
AACo boss Hugh Killen’s message to the audience was clear.

“The direct effects of climate are real for us ? we come to this discussion with first
hand experience and a commitment to find a way forward comes from the heart,”
Killen said.
“Slight changes to fire, flood and drought patterns can shift a very delicate balance.
Increased flood, drought and fire can disrupt everything we do in their own right, as
with risks we have seen in the gulf.
“Changing patterns can also tip the balance in favour of harmful flora and fauna and
it can tip the balance away from replenishment of nutrients in the soil.”