Trump nepotism attacked after 'out-of-her-depth' Ivanka given key summit role
Experts say first daughter’s presence reflects gravely on US
Opinion: Laugh at Ivanka ? to take her seriously is frightening
David Smith in Washington @smithinamerica Mon 1 Jul 2019 19.32 BST

“It reflects poorly on Trump that he would place her in that context and poorly on
Ivanka Trump that she lacks the self-awareness to recognise how out of her depth
she is.”
Price, now director of policy and communications at National Security Action, a
thinktank, added: “Above all it reflects poorly on the United States that we’re too
often represented by unelected officials without any relevant qualifications.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said: “Being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career
qualification. It hurts our diplomatic standing when the president phones it in [and]
the world moves on.”