Jet Fuel Scheme Shows The Link Between The NRA And Russia
前NRA代表の妻とロシアのスパイのMaria Butinaが、ロシア製ジェット燃料の商談を

The former president of the NRA and his wife worked with Maria Butina on a scheme
to sell jet fuel that got Butina on the FBI’s radar and highlighted the link between the
NRA and Russia、The New York Times reported:
この商談の仲介事件がFBIのMaria Butina捜査の切っ掛けになったとNYTが報道

For the young Russian gun rights activist studying in the United States, it would have
been an unimaginably rich payday: $1 million to help broker the sale of Russian jet
fuel to an American middleman. All she had to do was secure the fuel.

この前NRA代表、David Keeneは大物の保守派論客で・・・
Ms. Butina’s efforts to deal in Russian jet fuel, detailed in hundreds of pages of
previously unreported emails, were notable not just for their whiff of foreign intrigue
but for who they involved: David Keene, a former president of the National Rifle
Association and a prominent leader of the conservative movement, who has advised
Republican candidates from Ronald Reagan to Mitt Romney. They also involved
Mr. Keene’s wife, Donna, a well-connected Washington lobbyist, and Ms. Butina’s
boyfriend, Paul Erickson, who ran Patrick J. Buchanan’s 1992 presidential campaign
and who moved in rarefied conservative circles despite allegations of fraud in three states.