Pentagon goes into 'damage control' mode to reassure NATO allies
“One thing you need in this alliance is predictability,” one diplomatic official said.
by Carol E. Lee, Courtney Kube and Geoff Bennett /
Jul.13.2018 / 7:06 PM ET / Updated 7:57 PM ET

WASHINGTON ? Hours after President Donald Trump departed NATO headquarters
Thursday, U.S. military leaders embarked on a full-scale “damage control” operation
with calls to their counterparts across Europe to reassure them that America will
abide by its defense commitments in the region.

The outreach, directed by the Pentagon leadership, came after Trump threatened
to reassess those commitments during a gathering with NATO allies in Brussels,
according to multiple current and former diplomatic and military officials familiar
with the calls.
The Pentagon-led effort was meant to counter Trump’s withering criticism about
the security alliance that rattled European leaders.

“One thing you need in this alliance is predictability,” one diplomatic official said.

The direct conversations were aimed at “reinforcing alliance commitments,” after
Trump “made it clear alliance commitments were on the table,” according to one
U.S. official familiar with the discussions.
Defense Secretary James Mattis had arrived in Brussels worried that the president
would exacerbate tensions there with allies, multiple officials said, and had planned
to stick closely by the president during his meetings there.