廃棄する意思は全く無い Victor Cha

OPINION: North Korea has no intention of giving up its entire nuke programs
KYODO NEWS By Victor Cha, KYODO NEWS - Jul 11, 2018 - 14:17 | All, World

Donald Trump often complains about Fake News in the U.S. media. The Fake News
here unfortunately are the Tweets by the president that he ended the nuclear threat
from North Korea.
The "Real News" is that Pyongyang is playing from the same playbook it has used
since negotiations I participated in during the six-party talks more than 10 years ago.
Despite summit meetings and signed documents at Singapore, North Korea has no
intention to give up entirely its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile arsenals.

In this period of summit diplomacy in Northeast Asia, the Japanese government has
sent out signals suggesting an Abe-Kim summit, but it is not likely in the near-term.
The North Korean leader will likely host the Chinese president in the fall, meet the
Russian leader, and possibly make a trip to the U.N. General Assembly in New York
in September. Perhaps after that, a face-to-face with the Japanese prime minister is

The purpose of such a meeting for Tokyo would be unclear given that North Korea
historically has not entertained Japanese entreaties unless its relations are bad with
all of the other parties (South Korea, the United States and China). Regardless of
whether such a meeting were to take place, maintaining trilateral policy coordination
with Washington and Seoul remains paramount, as does keeping the sanctions
pressure on seem to be the wise policy choice.